Quick AR question

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Mar 21, 2008
So I just got my first AR15, and have a quick question. The selector switch won't go into "Safe" unless I rack the bolt, THEN switch to "Safe". Is this normal? I mean, I'm normally an AK guy, so this is new to me. Am I an idiot, or this normal, or is something wrong?
It's fine! safety is great if you want your bolt cocked all the time, but if the safety is off and the bolt is un-cocked you're fine.

My CZ bugged me with that at first too.

make sure to hit myt poll bout the .22WMR conversions!
I am an army armor and while I understand the fundamentals of firearms safetly the military regs require that we store M16's uncocked on semi. I guess its better for the hammer spring in the long run.
At Basic we always dry fired them before turining them back in to the arms room, if you are someone who would feel better not leaving your rifle cocked between uses then you would have to dry fire or disassemble it.

I don't like leaving my guns cocked unless they are on duty
Awesome, glad to hear it's totally normal. I have been leaving it uncocked on "Fire", so I guess I'll keep up with that. I don't know why, but don't feel right about leaving it cocked on "Safe":D. Anyways, thanks guys.
heh, i'm the opposite. i prefer to leave it cocked on safe. because i can SEE that it's on safe. I can't SEE if an AR has been uncocked by dry firing.

actually, i put a chamber flag in all my ARs anyways so that it is obvious there isn't a round in the chamber.
I store mine uncocked on "fire" as mentioned by the armorer above (thank you for serving!). I do this for a couple of reasons:
1) It relieves stress on the hammer spring
2) If I need to get the rifle ready ASAP, I just insert a mag, pull the charging handle, and I'm GTG. No futzing with selectors if/when seconds count.
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