RCBS Case Lube Pad?

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Contributing Member
Dec 16, 2013
NW Ohio
I have an RCBS case lube pad that was given to me that probably pre-dates 1979. The lube still works, as I have used it on at least 400 rifle cases. I don't know how much it was used before I acquired it. I got to thinking that maybe it was time the pad needed refreshed.

Would a 37+ yr. old pad be reusable? And would it have to be RCBS lube that refreshes the pad?

I plan on using hot soapy water. Besides walnut shell oil and bits, the pad looks in good shape. It is a fairly dense foam rubber like material.

dawn would be a good place to start. I quit using a pad years ago when I found out about rcbs spray just put them in a plastic tray and spray a lot neater than the old pads just a comment
I started reloading in the mid 70's...with used equipment. One piece of that was an RCBS lube pad. I'm still using that pad and I've never thought to clean it. It has "CH case lube" in it. I'm surprised it still looks as good as it does!..I mean for an ugly old pad...

I am using the same one I bought new in 1989. I still prefer lubing cases with the lube pad, the only time I have stuck cases in a die was with the spray lubes. A buddy who just passed on used a case lube pad he bought in the 60s made out of felt :).

Just my .02,

Just my .02,
I started reloading in the mid 70's...with used equipment. One piece of that was an RCBS lube pad. I'm still using that pad and I've never thought to clean it. It has "CH case lube" in it. I'm surprised it still looks as good as it does!..I mean for an ugly old pad...

Mark, I really like the pad. And I don't like throwing stuff away that will still work.

With as old as the pad and lube are, I would like to refresh the pad. Good to see your pad is holding after all those years.

Not sure what "CH case lube" is.
RCBS lube has changed over the years. The original one i used in the 70's was not water soluble, like the one made today.
The lube on this pad is very tacky to the touch. The cases, after lubing, tend to stick to my fingers. But it has worked well with 223, 7.62x54R, and 8mm Mauser cases.
Here is one I bought in 1970.
Along with the first tube of lube with still some in it.
(A little goes a long ways!!!)

I used it until I discovered RCBS spray lube about 1980?

I still use it for case neck lubing as you might be able to see the rings in the pad.

I have never even considered trying to clean it.
Just brush the big chunks of media off with an old toothbrush occasionally.


Okay, I'll get a tube and try a spot on one side to see if the old and new will mix.

Thanks for all the replies! :)

rc, if your pad is still working, looking like that, I don't think I have anything to worry about. :D
I was actually successful cleaning a very old RCBS lub pad once. There are probably other methods, I can only tell you what I did with my old non-water-based lube pad.

1. carefully scraped the surface with a plastic squeegee to remove surface crud. I got the squeegee at a paint store.
2. poured mineral spirits in an old cake pan (wife approved) and while holding the pad under with latex gloves or better protected hands, I rubbed the plastic squeegee back and forth to loosen and release old lube and dirt. Mineral spirits gets gross so don't make it too deep or you just waste more. I changed it a couple of times.

That gets it pretty clean, but you have to then deal with getting rid of the mineral spirits, because it will dilute the lube.

3. I bought a bar of oil paint removing artist hand soap from Hobby Lobby...nasty ugly green, but it's great stuff that mixes with oil and water. At the sink, I used it to make a thick lather in my hands and rubbed the pad until it was lathered, then rinsed in water. Several times. You do have to knead the pad some to get the mineral spirits out of the foam. The artist soap got it even cleaner too.

Then just hang it out to dry. Once dry I recharged it with new water-based lube. Good as new. Worked for me.

BTW, RC's is really ugly, dirty alright, when mine first got that way and turned it over and started all over. :) I finally cleaned it after BOTH sides were like that.....well it was either that or buy another one.....I was born cheap.
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I've cleaned my 1980 lube pad a few times with nothing more than a rag with some odorless mineral spirits. Clean as new and doesn't dry out or damage the pad.
It would not surprise me in the least if you called RCBS and whined like a Whipped Puppy about your dirty pad?

That they wouldn't just send you a 'Free One" just to stop your Whining!!

I called them 10 years ago about buying the new ball end handle for my 1970 Rockchucker bicycle grip handle, as my hands were not bending that way any longer.

I had a new one in the mail 3 days later, Free!!

I tried to pay for it, twice.

And they refused to accept payment.

Call them.
At the very least, unlike us?
They could tell you how, and if you can clean it properly.

It was always said that the old "sticky" type RCBS lube was nothing other than "STP" automotive oil treatment ... it works like a charm ...but it sure was heck to get off your brass and would make oil dents in a heart beat ...

My tube came unsealed at the bottom seam and got all over a bunch of "stuff" I had in the drawer with it ... took all of five years to get that stuff off all the other stuff !! Talk about messy!
It would not surprise me in the least if you called RCBS and whined like a Whipped Puppy about your dirty pad?

That they wouldn't just send you a 'Free One" just to stop your Whining!!

I called them 10 years ago about buying the new ball end handle for my 1970 Rockchucker bicycle grip handle, as my hands were not bending that way any longer.

I had a new one in the mail 3 days later, Free!!

I tried to pay for it, twice.

And they refused to accept payment.

Call them.
At the very least, unlike us?
They could tell you how, and if you can clean it properly.


Typical RCBS! RC, I ought to do that with my old Rock Chucker's bar handle....I got to get a "round 2 it", first......and those are rarer than hens teeth around here.:rolleyes:....guess I could send them an email.....or..... I could always buy a Hurst gear shift Tee knob and convert it.......wouldn't that be the cat's meow.:D
It would not surprise me in the least if you called RCBS and whined like a Whipped Puppy about your dirty pad?

That they wouldn't just send you a 'Free One" just to stop your Whining!!

I called them 10 years ago about buying the new ball end handle for my 1970 Rockchucker bicycle grip handle, as my hands were not bending that way any longer.

I had a new one in the mail 3 days later, Free!!

I tried to pay for it, twice.

And they refused to accept payment.

Call them.
At the very least, unlike us?
They could tell you how, and if you can clean it properly.


Hey now, that's my TACTIC, you can't use it too.:D:D
I got an RCBS pad and bottle of lube in my RCBS Kit I bought in the early 80's. I still use the pad, and am still working form the original bottle of RCBS lube today. The lube I have is water soluable, easily rinses right off, no detergent necessary. I've never cleaned mine, just add lube now and then as needed.
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