RCBS Chargemaster - Taming the beast

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May 21, 2010
South Dakota
I've been using RCBS Chargemasters for several years. They've been a great part of my reloading gear, but there has always been room for improvement.

This weekend I set out to solve the last real problem I had with mine, and that was powder over-throw. I would have an over-throw anywhere from 10-20% of the time. That means for every 100 rounds I was re-weighing 10-20... sometimes worse. That resulted in a very slow session.

I have 2 chargemasters and have been experimenting with running them in sequence. Further testing is required to see if they are up to it.

However, I believe I have completely solved the issue of overthrow. It's something you can do yourself very easily.


The info is available in that original thread, as well as all of the programming settings that I used and the steps I went through before I settled on the current method. I'd repost here but there is some back and forth that I believe is important as well. Using the improved straw mod I describe would be pretty slow with a non-reprogrammed unit.

If any of you try this, let me know how it works out for you. If you need any help getting it setup, just post. I spent most of the weekend testing and trying different methods to control the powder flow. I have a pretty good idea what works and what doesn't by now. ;)
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