RCBS Trim Mate inside & outside deburring tool


Sep 1, 2021
Nor. Cal.
Does anyone here have the Trim Mate Deburring tool P/N: 90384 (Trim Mate™ Carbide Chamfer Tool) hooked up to their Trim Mate? How do you like it? And is it worth adding and is it better than what comes with the Trim Mate? Seems like the stock Outside Deburring tool is a little week, the Inside Deburring tool I can live with but the Outside Deburring tool is iffy!! I would like your reviews of them both Outside and Inside, thanks.
I have the Trim Mate with both tools. I like them. Saves a lot of carpal tunnel issues compared to doing it by hand. Results are not perfect, but suitable for my purposes.
I probably would, but I already had the Trim Pro and use the tree way cutters for it. I also have the trim mate but use it mainly for cleaning and reaming primer pockets.