re feral hogs

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Near A&M a rest home's landscape and the land there was destroyed on a major highway last year by hogs. My friends family has 6000 acres near New Taton has had hogs for years. Some of it is used for crops some cattle, the rest is woods. They hunt in the Big Bend area and come back with some BIG ones... They are everywhere. My sister lived on the north side of the King Ranch and they had them there.

We have a annual Hog Roundup every year with a large turn out. The land is already approved by the owners for the hunt of course. It covers Burleson County. It is a week long event IIRC by the Boars of Texas Hog Hunting Competitions, Burleson County Wildlife Association. The meat is donated to worthy causes.
Here in my area of Kansas, the authorities used the same lame excuse as Missouri to outright BAN feral hog hunting on public hunting land. Then they brought in helicopters and tried to kill them off. They had some success, but have not eradicated them. They'll be back; just like prairie dogs and other vermin.
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