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Read any good books lately ?

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Jan 10, 2004
In the interest of education myself, I have been reading a number of books.

I highly recommend "Unintended Consequences". I've read "Lucifer's Hammer" and currently I am reading "Farnham's Freehold".

Anyone have other books that would provide insight and education ?

I have just started reading Unintended Consequences.

It is going to take me a long time to finish because every few pages I feel the urge to do some dry fire, clean a gun, or look something up on the Intenet.

May I make a suggestion? Libraries often appreciate suggestions as to what to add to their collections. Suggest that they get Unintended Consequences. I will make that suggestion to my local library soon, and I will attach the following references:


FAQs about the book by the author


An interview of him (Scroll down about half way to “tribute” for the funniest thing I have read in ages!)


A letter from his lawyer to the BATF asking them to stop harassing him







http://home.salamander.com/~wmcclain/uc.html “John Ross has written a one-of-a-kind novel. Although it focuses on firearms, it is about the decline of freedom and virtue on many fronts. I hear a sequel is in the works and I await it with interest.”
hmm... I read Shooter by Jack Coughlin, he was a marine sniper, possibly still is, during the invasion of Iraq, really good read.
I received several books by Steven Ambrose for Xmas so I will be reading them. My father was in the 101st as a tank comander and had the oppertunity to be at the Eagles nest in Austria. Some unique history there. He was impressed. Hated the Sherman tank though.
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I recently read The Black Arrow by Vin Suprynowicz, and Molon Labe by Boston T. Party.

Both books were good reads, and were hard to put down. The kind of books that make you wish for sequels, and fast!
If you honestly want insight and education start with Warfighting. This is the USMC book of strategy. Short and to the point, well worth reading.
I just finished reading To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee. Very entertaining read. It could educate you about life in the South in 1935.

I also just finished reading All for the Regiment!The Army of the Ohio,1861-1862 and found it very informative on the subject of Civil War field armies and their organization,training etc.

If your interested in the Civil War, give Michael Shaara's The Killer Angels a try.
Anything by Hanson is great. His "Carnage and Culture" makes a nice counterpoint to Diamond's "Guns, Germs and Steel" which is an interesting read itself.
"1776" by David Mccullogh. Shows what tenacity is all about.

"Black Rednecks and White Liberals" by Thomas Sowell. Would that all our economists had the historical and social understanding of this econ professor.

"One Ranger" by Joaquin Jackson. One ranger's memoirs fron the Sixties through the Nineties. Good read.

Read any good books lately ?

Are you kidding?? I stack books for balistics testing. I know at 300 yards a .223 55 gr JHP will penetrate "Moby Dick" and "Huck Finn" stopping somehwhere around page 200 in the phone book on the backside. :D
Might like Colleen McCollough's Rome series, It'll keep you busy for a long time and you will begin to believe you know something about the history of the later republic. She uses period writers for her history,( Caesar, Sutonius, Cicero et al) You can get the same historic flavor from Stephen Saylor's "Sub Rosa" series about a private detective from that period.

Edward Rutherford and Margaret George are also skilled historical novelists.
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