Recall confusing and chaotic

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Dec 31, 2002
After a day of heavy voter turnout, tensions are running high in the California recall race. With 135 candidates on the ballot, some voters called the process confusing and chaotic.

Here are some voter comments

Oct. 7 — Quotes from some California voters taking part in Tuesday's gubernatorial recall election:

"It's time to mix things up." Mark Laurent, 33, of San Francisco, voting yes on the recall and for Arnold Schwarzenegger.

"I'm horrified at the thought that Schwarzenegger can be our governor. ... I'm sick of Republicans trying to take over the state." Gretchen Purser, 25, of Berkeley, voting no on the recall and for Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante.

"If it looks like I'm losing in the polls I'll be giving a concession speech." Mary Carey, candidate and porn star, voting no on the recall at her polling place in North Hollywood.

"If I were 80 years old and couldn't see well I don't know how I would do this. It's a Neanderthal system." Daphne Calphon of Hollywood, referring to the 135 names on her punch-card ballot.

"As far as I'm concerned, Gray Davis is one of the dirtiest politicians I've ever encountered." Ed Troupe, 69, of Thousand Oaks, voting yes on the recall and for Schwarzenegger.

"Everybody knows that Gray Davis was a jerk, but I don't think that's cause to be recalled." Michael Mazzocone, 39, of San Francisco, voting no on the recall.

"If he is elected, I would like him to talk about it and address it if not to me, then to his wife." Eda Zahl of Hollywood, voting yes on the recall and for Schwarzenegger, despite her concerns about allegations he groped more than a dozen women.

"I wish I could vote 16 times today. It's extremely scary what's happened to the state. To me he (Schwarzenegger) exemplifies a certain kind of violence and misogyny. There are so many reasons why he shouldn't be taken seriously as a candidate." Jesse Nissim, 27, of Oakland, voting against the recall and for Bustamante.

"There's no reason to recall a governor just because you don't like him. I don't like him myself, but he's no worse than Reagan, Deukmejian or other governors we've had." David Rosenberg, 50, of Oakland, voting no on the recall.

"I think we could be setting a dangerous precedent that other states might follow." Evelyn Collaco, 63, of San Ramon, who said she's no fan of Democratic Gov. Gray Davis but was voting no on the recall and for Bustamante.

"He is a politician and that's better than putting an actor in there." Tracey Hanson, 42, of San Ramon, voting for the recall and for Republican state Sen. Tom McClintock.

"We realized as time went on he didn't have the chance Schwarzenegger did." Mel Roop, 63, of McClintock's district in Thousand Oaks, voting for Schwarzenegger because he didn't want to split the GOP vote.

"(Schwarzenegger's) a bully and bullies are popular in politics right now because people need to channel their anger." Rick Prelinger, 50, of San Francisco, voting no on the recall and for Bustamante.

"(Illegal immigrants) should have the same rights because they are working here and building up this country. That's how we feel as Latinos." Gregoria Guzman, 61, speaking in Spanish in San Diego, where she voted no on the recall and for Bustamante.
Ya know---
Who cares what quotes ABC put out there?, They simply are putting out the most colorful stuff they can find.
If they could have found anyone who voted for Flynt or the pornstar , they would have had their quote first in line. :eek:
The Drudge Report is showing it's a landslide: 59% Yes; 51% Arnie, 30% Cruz, 13% McClintock (as of 6pm MST).

It shouldn't take too much effort to find some really hilarious quotes from the twits who post on DemocraticUnderground, although maybe not the laff riot gold mine to be found over there after the 2002 elections.
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