regional difference in proficiencies

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Oct 24, 2005
I had a chance to shoot a few IPSC and IDPA matches (club level and sanctioned) in TX and CA. I noticed that, although people have the same classification, there's a proficiency difference between, say, the A/Expert shooters in TX and CA. I know for IPSC it is nationally averaged and for IDPA is time based, so there shouldn't be much regional difference, but I feel it after a few matches.

Do you feel this too?
Not sure why USPSA would be regional different. In IDPA what is called a sandbagger can be found. They are the EX and MA shooters in MM and SS classes. If you combine this sort of thinking allong with a person who thinks its "better to be the the tail of a dragon, than the head of a jackass." (a SS that practiced only the classifier to become an EX/MA) you will see quite a gap come match day. This doesn't have anything to do with different regions except for the thinking of folks that live in them.
I think there is in USPSA just because some areas like CA and AZ have a lot of good shooters at every little po-dunk match. You might still be trying to make A or Master, but your level of competiveness is raised by being in a tough crowd. When I was shooting a lot, the VA/NC area had a fair share of good competition. I could go to a weekly match and encounter 1-5 GMs, 5 or so Ms and a host of really good shooters. Being around them helped me, a lot.
According to the Postal Match, TX is better. The TX average is 89.12 with 81 shooters. The CA average is 105.44 with 17 shooters. It's not a very even comparison, but it kinda answered your question, right?:rolleyes:
As to who is better...

The last few club and sanctioned IDPA/IPSC matches I shot in TX I came up 2nd to last or last. In CA, I'm able to get 1st, 2nd, and 5th from top in my class at club and sanctioned events. CA has a bit more competitors than TX.

So, it would appear TX shooters are better. However, I think I may have figured out the root cause: TX summer heat. My wife mentioned that she's seen a pattern where in TX my ranking is much better during Nov-Feb and takes a nose dive March-Oct. Here in CA, the temp is like 84 degrees (vs. TX's 100) and I'm doing much better.
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