Related to any famous shooters or founding fathers?

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John Dillinger was my Grandma's second or third cousin, on my mom's side.

Hey possom, I heard that Mr. Dillinger was very well endowed and that a certain appendage is kept in a jar in some museum - similar to the stories you hear about Einstein's brain being in a lab somwhere. Can you confirm or deny this? Did you hear any stories?
Hey possom, I heard that Mr. Dillinger was very well endowed and that a certain appendage is kept in a jar in some museum - similar to the stories you hear about Einstein's brain being in a lab somwhere. Can you confirm or deny this? Did you hear any stories?

I never heard any stories about any "museum quality" pieces from any of my kinfolk.
I'm blood related to Thomas Rogers who came over on the Mayflower and was this man's father:

"John Rogers, can be authenticated from New England records. He probably arrived at Plymouth about 1630 when the last of the Separatists arrived from Leiden. John was taxed in Plymouth on 25 March 1633.[9] On 6 April 1640 Joseph Rogers and John Rogers �his brother� were granted fifty acres each at North River (Marshfield), thus proving John�s identity."

I'm proud to be a direct descendent from The Separatists who left England to start our great country. This and .50 cents will get me a cup of coffee, but it's a source of pride. When I see my country harmed or otherwise treated badly from outside or within, it gets me riled!

Ok, I'll play. An uncle who pursued geneology of the family found a number of relatives in the Green Mountain boys of the revolutionary period, one of whom was shot out of a tree, evidently mistaken for a turkey. Now you know, the rest of the story. :D
I just recently found out that my 5X Great Grandfather was Elijah Craig, baptist minister and credited with inventing Bourbon!

I now proudly claim my Kentucky herritage.
My Great-great-great-not so great uncle was the famous outlaw Harry Tracy. Harry was a bank robber, schoolmarm ravager, and prison escaper. He was finally cornered in Creston, Washington in 1903, when a posse flushed him out into a wheat field. He shot up all his ammo and saved the last one for himself.

There's a big historical sign next to the highway in the middle of Creston that tells the whole story. It doesn't say that Harry's real last name was Severns, and that's my Mom's maiden name.
My wife is related to Ethan Allen. Her grandmother is a member of Daughters of the American Revolution. My wife looked into membership, but she said it was just a bunch of old ladies who didn't do anything.

As for my family, we came over a bit too late. Although I have an uncle who was somehow connected (not by blood) to Paul Castellano.
My grand-uncle was a soldier in the Communist 8th Army during the Anti Japanese War. He participated on the Long March and when the Red Army was crossing the Great Snowy Mountains, he and his comrades were reduced to drinking the stew from boiled leather to try to survive. He was one of the 20,000 to reach Yu'nan safely.
During the Battle of Pingxingguan (September 18, 1938), he killed 35 Japanese soldiers with his broadsword when the 8th Army finally charged down the mountain. Like many other young soldiers from the countryside, he studied martial arts before he joined the Revolutionary Army.

During the Liberation War of 1947-1949, he fought in the Heillongjiang Campaign, then in the Nanjing Campaign. His unit was also the first to enter Shanghai in 1949.
It's possible that I'm related to the famous pirate "Black Sam" Bellamy. Argh! I recently saw some of his flintlock rifles and pistols on exhibit, so I figure he was a shooter.
Well I know I have some Indian blood in me from my mother's side.

Most likely nobody famous.

My great-great grandfather came over before, but I'm sure that I am related to some guys who carried these rifles in WWII.


Irish on my mother's side. But my temper is mostly gone nowadays.
On my mother's mother's (grandmother) side the family history has been traced directly to the Mayflower. Along the way Sir William Johnson Married Chief Joseph Brant's sister and they became my grandparents I don't recall how many times removed.
According to a family tree search conducted in college and verified by the Alden Kindred society, I am related to one of the real founding fathers of America, IMO. I am a direct decendent of John Alden and Priscilla Mullins. John as many of you may know came over here to America on the Mayflower and signed the Mayflower Compact. Split off many many generations ago are none other than the Bushes...yes those Bushes as well as Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
My grandfather's grandfather (whose last name was Alden) was adopted by a family of the last name of Ormsby. Many of you may also know that the Ormsby's are famous for a viking named Orm who took over Scotland.
Anyways, I do believe there are more descendents in America related to Alden than any other original Mayflower voyager. I just happen to be one of them.
I'm a descendent of William Bradford, of Mayflower fame. I actually have papers from the Mayflower Society that were part of my grandmother’s estate.
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