Reloading question.

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Dec 26, 2003
West Michigan
Alright, guys. I've been loading 12ga 2 3/4" trap loads on my MEC 650 for years.

Now I want to start loading 12ga 3 1/2" hunting loads. I don't shoot a great volume of these, but at $2 a shot it still makes sence.

What has worked for you guys in 3 1/2" reloading?

Thanks for the input - JM.
Welcome to THR !

Hang on, someone will be along that can for a fella HSMITH for one. He is one to watch regardless :p [that'll cost me] Number of others have great input as well...

I'm no help, I still use and load 2 3/4 " for everything in 12 ga.
Hey Steve, :neener: !!

I don't load any of the 3.5" shells, nor 3". I shoot less than 300 of the 3.5" shells a year including patterning now, so I just cough up the cash and buy them. I only shoot 3.5" steel, everything else is 2 3/4".

Ballistic Specialties is the place to get supplies and data, I do know that much....

Sorry I can't be of more help.

BTW, welcome to The High Road!!!
Hey Howard, I figured you were the "go to guy" on this question. Like I said I do 2 3/4" , umm I don't even own anything but 2 3/4" chambers, except in .410.

Too many years ago a fella had a 10 ga reloader...boy, one can go through shot and powder loading them suckers!!

At least you knew where to suggest supplies and data...thanks.
Thanks guys...

That sight is great...I ordered a couple of reloading is slug specific, and the other is Reloading for Shotgunners by Mic McPhearson...If Mic can't enlighten me...I doubt the info is out there.

I'm just surprised that on all the sights I've checked out...nobody seems to be reloading the 12x3.5.

Thanks again - JM.

esheato comes through in a pinch!!!! Thank you. That is what I was thinking of, just fumbled the ball.
That's what I love about this board. Darn near any prob or query gets good answers in a day or two. Good job, folks!
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