OK, Friday night after work. I'll expand a bit on my reasoning for wanting a 597 HB.
First, let me be clear that even though I've been away for a while, and am now using a different user name than previously -- it was time for a change, to retire my previous user name that I used on several forums -- I've spent a LOT of time on THR (I had over 11,000 posts under my former user name), and greatly value the expertise here. When I want a reliable opinion, I come here far more than any other gun forum. It's why I'm back.
So I hope members won't hate me in this case that I'm not looking for opinions to make my decision about a 597 HB. I'm interested in opinions just to see what the thinking is about that rifle v others. I'll explain more below about why I've decided to purchase a 597 HB, even against the (reasonable) advice that some will offer against it.
Second, I have NO -- zero, zilch, nada -- issues against the 10/22 or any other semi-auto. Like someone said above, if it floats your boat, then you should buy it. I have NO doubt that the 10/22 is a fine rifle, and can be made even better making it a project rifle. I'm aware of the HUGE number of aftermarket products for the 10/22, and the small number for 597's. Check. I'm really glad that option exists for those who want to pursue it. Sincerely. It just isn't my thing.
Third, today, I took the bus (yes, I'm car challenged now) out to Cabella's (which wasn't here when I lived here five years ago) and handled both a 10/22 and 597, both standard (they didn't have and do not sell the HB). I'd never handled either. (Not true; in the late 1960's, a buddy had a 10/22, and I shot it several times. I was a Remington Nylon 66 kid, and loved it. In part because I liked the fore end better --- read on.)
I spent some time with both. Now I was surprised that the 597's length of pull seemed no longer than the 10/22. I'd read that it was longer. But both in feel and lining them up on the counter, I could see no difference.
But I'll admit that the 597 felt better to me. I especially like the sculpted narrower fore end -- I have small hands, and it just felt very natural. I also like the synthetic furniture.
I could visualize the HB with it's 16.5" barrel. That right there is one of the several reasons I want it. I'm in Oregon now, for several months to a year. (Professional reasons) But my home is Maine, near the Great North Woods. After having walked there for years, I know how hard it is to walk there, let alone carrying a gun. In my view, shorter is better in that spruce/fir dominated woodland.
Now, the other features that appeal. A heavy barrel for $200. (Ruger's is a couple hundred more; not in my budget). I've never owned a bull or heavy barrel (I'm aware they're similar but not the same.) I'm eager to see what they'll do that a standard will not. I'm not a target shooter any more than hunter; about the same. I'm aware that many don't want a heavy barrel for a hunting rifle due to weight. But look, my Marlin 336 weighs 7 lb. The 597 HB is 5.5 lbs. That's nothing to me. Plus, when I sling a rifle, I African carry: barrel down; far faster deployment, much more comfort. So having a heavy front end is fine.
Of course, I like the idea of a heavy barrel for stability also. We'll see.
Next, I like the following characteristics of the 597.
- threaded barrel for suppressor; unlikely for me, but ...
Oh, another point. In my OP, I claimed there were QC or design differences between the standard 597 and the HB. I cannot find that reference. So let's just say I was wrong about that. Memory is not 100%.
Now, finally, the part that will not please some. I look at this as an experiment. I want to see for myself how good this rifle is, or is not. Where as the 10/22 has millions singing its praises (especially when aftermarket parts are installed), the lowly 597 is either loved or hated; it either works well, or it sucks. Clearly, there have been some QC issues. But it looks to me that many of them have been subsequently addressed by Remington. I want to see for myself.
Side note. The same is true with the Marlin 39a, which I sold. The main reasons for selling it? Too long, too much barrel (see Great North Woods), didn't like the tubular magazine, too heavy (6.5 lb). But as mentioned before, the straw that broke the camel's back was too many failure to feed and failure to fire issue, with several kinds of ammo.
Another side note. When I bought my Marlin 336, I started a new way of dealing with new guns: right out of the box, before shooting it, I took it down as far as I could, far beyond field stripping it. I found a manual and took it way down, labeling tiny screws for exactly where they came. I honed parts with emory paper, removing edges and burrs. I lubed it. When I put it back together, it was like butter. It's never given any problem. Not one. AND, I loved taking it down and getting to know parts at that level.
That's what I intend to do with the 597 HB. Before I shoot it, I want to take it down, clean it, hone the parts, and relube.
Finally, from reading and watching umpteen million reviews, I've learned that if a 597 is going to misbehave, there are two parts that are usually responsible.
1. older magazines. The gen 3's (shipping with the newer rifles) seem to solve that. But I'm still going to buy an aftermarket, just in case.
Probably this one.
2. The extractor. Several have suggested, just replace it immediately because the factory extractor will break soon enough. The replacements are reliable, and fix those issues.
This one; $20 plus shipping.
So that's about $45. For a $200 gun? I'm ok with that.
If needed, I'll replace the hammer and spring kit (another $50), but from what I"m reading, most don't require it, and it doesn't make that much difference. I'm ok with a heavy trigger. We'll see.
OK, some reading that has informed me.
The most interesting and positive review, with video, is
Second positive review is
And to appease those who believe the 10/22 to be better,
this one, in which the 597 is slaughtered.
And finally, to those who think I'm making a mistake, wasting my $ (gee, I've never done that before), that the 597 HB is only good for a fence post, look at it this way: months from now, if the one I buy turns out to be a lemon that is beyond redemption, a total POS, I'll admit it here, and you can say, "See! We told you so, moron! You should have bought a _______!"
And I'll say, yes, once again, THR advice proved right. And I'll sell the 597 HB and buy a ______. Just think how satisfying that will be.
So, I hope this thread will become one of lovers and haters. Those that like the 597 (especially HB), and those that hate it. Maybe I should have made it a poll. I'm curious about how deep this hatred goes.
When will I buy it? Not known. There are professional factors relating to my business. I'm waiting on cash flow to increase. It'll either kick enough by early October to allow the purchase, or I'll leave Oregon to overwinter in Florida by November. The latter may actually make it easier to purchase.
We'll see.
Ok, flame away. I'm sure I'll learn something. I always do.