Remington Viper feed problems

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Sep 5, 2011
Anyone seeing the title of this post will probably think that the best thing to do with a Remington Viper is to sell it and buy a Ruger 10/22. Unfortunately that's not an option at present; all I can do for now is try to get the Viper to work. At least it was cheap.

I've tried two different brands of ammunition and both are fine if only one round is placed in the magazine. If loaded with more than one then empty cases won't eject and instead contrive to jam somewhere random within the breech, thereby preventing the bolt from closing properly. It's a metal magazine, supplied with the gun.

Can anyone suggest any solution?
I would try to find another new magazine first.

Mags are often guilty, on any brand of firearm.

It's my understanding that Remington was having magazine issues with the Vipers 5 or 6 years ago and they come out with a new magazine. Replace the magazines and see what happens.
I had one years ago. The trigger was a but, shall we say, "mushy", but the rifle was accurate enough. I tried several brands of ammo to find one that was both decently accurate and would feed properly. Length was an issue, mini-mags being the worst offender, jamming the bullet nose horribly every round. Winchester Super X fed OK.
JMHO but the Viper was not a good model. If a good replacement mag is real expensive cut your losses and get rid of it. Look on Ebay and see waht parts are selling for. You may make more parting it out and you can mail everything but the receiver. 10/22s are nice with lots of aftermarket parts. But a relatively inexpensive Marlin 795 or a Mossberg 702 are great no frill semi,s. The Marlin is generraly more accurate out of the box than a 10/22. You can get either Mar or Moss for under 150.00 new.
Thanks for the replies.

My current plan is to send it back to the supplier and insist that they fix it. From what Brownell's site says about international deliveries and export licences I suspect I might have trouble ordering magazines, but with luck the dealer may be able to get hold of some which work.
Steel mag made my dad's Viper run flawless.
They aint cheap though, IIRC $50 bucks and that a couple of yrs ago.....if you can find them.
I finally managed to get this sent back to the supplier.

They say that the metal bar which is supposed to flip the case out of the breech once the extractor has pulled out out has broken, and though they won't be able to get a replacement they should be able to weld it back. That may well explain why it never successfully ejected a round when more than one was loaded.
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