removing gun stains from clothing

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Sep 28, 2006
Hartford, CT
Does anyone know a trick for getting gun-oil spatter out of fabric?

I know I'm not the first person to have this problem. Whenever I pass by one of my rifles, I pick it up, clear it, and usually give it a few dry fires. Last week I happened to be wearing a fine tailored shirt. :uhoh: Can you see where this is going?

Anywho, after working the bolt a few times on my AR, I caught some serious back-spatter of CLP and combustion residue. The spots are black. The drycleaner apparently wasn't able to remove the stains, so I'm calling in the heavy artillery. THR: how do you get this stuff out of your clothes?
Shirt is probably toast. I've ruined more than one after cleaning my 6906, lubing the rails and then racking the slide several times. If I forget to clean off the rear end of the slide, that grey gunk is permanent. Joe
Stop paying over $100 for shirts. The nice 100 plus shirts attract ink, food and anything else that stains. I have shirts that are 10 years old, but the day I put on a nice shirt something happens. I bought five and there is one I refuse to wear because I ruined two of the shirts in one day. I know I have talent.

Try oxclean. Or hopps.
Go to Walmart and buy a can of Breakfree Powderblast. That stuff will take stains out of anything. It works about as good as the infomercials make that Oyxclean look. It takes permanent marker stains out of carpet. It takes oil stains out of clothing if you get it before it goes thru the dryer.

ITs worth a try, and if it doesn't work for that, It is great for cleaning guns too.
Try Mean Green. Spray affected area, let sit for awhile, wash it hot water. If spots remain get new shirt.
When you get bigger and older those stains, much like food stains, serve as a reminder of good times. Until wearing your underpants on the outside is made illegal I'm going to savor those fine moments. YMMV.
Whilst putting a quart of fresh oil in my car, I got a dot of it on a new expensive polyblend shirt.

Dumb me!

Nothing would get it out. It apparently bonded with the fibers, so even though it was new clean oil the spot showed up very well.

So I soaked the shirt in a small bucket of fresh new motor oil, then washed it a couple of times.

Voila! Stain gone! (Or at least camouflaged.)

Smart me!

So I guess your option is to save up all your gunked up jars of Hoppe's and soak the shirt in it.

Smart you!
I tried doing that "dunk the whole thing in it" with a pair of shorts that got some bleach stains on didn't work so well...
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