Removing Parkerizing

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Iron bottom

Mar 27, 2005
How would a fella go about getting this stuff off of a frame and slide? Any chemicals available that will strip it off and not destroy your last brain cell?
I appreciate you fellas taking the time to reply. Don't know which way to go. It's going to be a big hassle to find a bead blaster and the jelly may be the answer.
Chawbacca, what brand of naval jelly are you using? I've tried naval jelly, EZ Off oven cleaner and lots of other stuff but have never been able to remove parkerizing without blasting. I'd sure like to do it your way.
I used a generic phosphoric acid rust remover. It was easier to say "Navy Jelly". I soak the part in the acid for about ten minutes and then start scrubbing with steel wool. If the part is left in too long it seems to have an even thicker coating of parkerization, so scrub often. When done you usually end up with a piece that has kind of a yellow cast to it, this is polished off before refinishing.
Naval jelly and similar compounds remove rust, but Parkerizing is not rust. Rust is oxidation, an eating INTO the metal. Parkerizing is a phosphate coating ON the metal. Naval jelly may work as described, but it is the steel wool that is removing the Parkerizing, not the naval jelly.

As Jim pointed out, Park is a coating.
It's actually a conversion coating and the only way to remove it is by mechanical means.
Why not just use a steel brush on a bench grinder? Thats what I use to strip steel finishes and it works prefectly and also shines up the steel quite well.
What are you removing the parkerizing off of? Why? After you remove the parkerizing ,what finish are you going to use and how shiny do you want the part to be ?
I've inadvertantly (sp) removed parkerizing from a couple magazines with Birchwood Casey Rust & Blueing Remover, IIRC a weak Phosphoric Acid solution. I went ahead and used the stuff to completely strip those magazines. FWEIW, FNR.
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