Residential Security Containers vs. Safes

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Here's another way to look at it. I can use card stock, scissors, tape, a bent pin, and stick something together that superficially looks like a 'safe'. I can legally sell it to you as a 'safe'. Not much protection there, but hey, caveat an' all that.

I can also make one out of the thinnest sheet metal I think will get by the inspection of average Joe, and paint it nicely, put a decal of an elk on the door, sell it to a price point, call it a safe and sell it to Joe also.

Or, I can use plate steel, insulate it to stand a total loss home fire, get my costs up & sell for less margin than the competition because of the realities of the market, and still call it a safe.

You, as the average Joe, can buy what you want. The question is, can you get the protection you want?

What a1abdj & I do here is mostly educational. Nonetheless, we do catch flak for it. Not that kibitzing from the peanut gallery is going to make me, and a1abdj also I think, stop attempting to educate. It does amuse me though that somebody takes me to task for pointing out the realities of the 'safe' game. Not all ostriches live in Africa & have feathers.

:evil: 900F

Arfin, because words do not mean things, I cannot understand what you're saying. If I wouldn't get banned for it, I would try to tell you a few things about you and your loved ones and we would see whether my words mean anything to you or not. Do you get my drift? I've nothing against you, I'm just trying to help you understand how wrong you are. Also, your comments about words changing over time would bear some relevance if we were reading one anothers' comments three centuries apart. Of course, you won't have understood any of this.

Awww, Mike, now see what you've gone and done? You've hurt my tender feelings.

Don't worry about getting banned; by the time the words reach the mods they'll mean something else anyway.

And if it looks like I'm wrong? It's just a distortion caused by "meaning drift" in the time between when I wrote my post and the time you read it.

And I would have understood you, except that you insisted on using words in your post.

We gotta switch to hieroglyphics.

Unless you're running Windows, in which case they're called "icons."

How dare you insult the Queen! But, hey, that last bit where you transcribed Mozart's Ninth into binary was really awesome.

Can't go to the roller-rink, though, I've got to go spam my percale. Lobster-teeth! :)
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