
I'm getting pretty fed up by the notion that our Second Amendment rights are to preserve our firearm ownership for some "sporting purpose". Does anyone know when the idea that our right to firearms ownership became so strongly espoused to the fiction that our firearms are meant to be used primarily for recreation?

I understand that 30-40% of firearm crimes against cops (already separated them from the rest of us = elitist posture) use high-capacity magazines, but what percentage of firearms sold also just happen to have high-capacity handguns. I would bet a disproportionate majority of handguns sold can hold in excess and are designed around a magazine that holds in excess of ten rounds.

Does anyone have an accurate figure of how many times annually a firearm is used to deter or altogether stop a criminal act? Does anyone keep statistics on that kind of thing?

Yes, that would make sense until you showed us what it takes (how little it takes) to become a person on a terror watch list. And that would make even more sense if there had been some sort of evidence to back up that these terrorists (not just drug dealers and thugs) were buying up weapons and using them to make terror. I'm not exactly a conspiracy theorist, but I haven't noticed a whole lot of terrorism happening. The couple times I can recall the would-be terrorists failed out of incompetence, not preventative action; and they didn't try to use a firearm, either.

I'll act by arming myself and practicing as often as occasion permits (well, as soon as I can buy some more ammo). You talk about common sense but refuse to acknowledge that shootings happen in gun-free zones and places where firearms are lawfully prohibited by businesses (see movie theaters) that would otherwise be less-than-optimal targets if there were armed individuals there to defend those positions. If we really wanted to protect people from mass shootings we would get rid of the places that mass shootings are most likely to occur, not write something down on paper and put up a sign that reminds the would-be murderer that none of his/her potential victims has been empowered to shoot back

Not to hate on cops, but when I hear something about a law enforcement officer coming out saying he/she is opposed to concealed carry, opposed to individuals owning semi-automatic, military-styled rifles I'm inclined to think this officer/official has the wrong idea about the citizens he serves. I had this kind of discussion with a criminal procedure law professor and the local chief of police. They forget the Constitution is there to protect and define our inalienable rights, the right to keep and bear arms being our right to defend ourselves from whatever evil may come upon us, whether the individual or the entity, and that by limiting when, where and what we may own to perform that task should not be open to debate. Yes, I think that we the people should be able to own full-automatic rifles (and we are as long as we pay the tax) unless we have proven ourselves to be a threat to the community.

Then what's the deal with these dimwits coming out so strongly against barrel shrouds?
OK - this is old material now, but it's the only information I have been able to find; statistics relating to defensive firearms use are not kept. If you find it in statistics anywhere, it might be under the heading of Homicides, Justified. This information appeared in an article entitled "A Nation of Cowards," published in the Fall '93 edition of The Public Interest. The author, Jeff Snyder, quotes FSU Criminologist Gary Kleck:

Other evidence also suggests that armed citizens are very responsible in using guns to defend themselves. Florida State University criminologist Gary Kleck, using surveys and other data, has determined that armed citizens defend their lives or property with firearms against criminals approximately 1 million times a year. In 98 percent of these instances, the citizen merely brandishes the weapon or fires a warning shot. Only in 2 percent of the cases do citizens actually shoot their assailants. In defending themselves with their firearms, armed citizens kill 2,000 to 3,000 criminals each year, three times the number killed by the police.
I think I've been way ahead of him. I've been writting my representatives for the last couple of weeks. Here's a link to find yours.

Tell them what you think of the efforts to restrict out rights! Colorado is still purple enough that the governer might listen.
Reply from Congressman John Carter, Texas 31st District

Thank you for contacting me to express your concerns regarding the tragic shootings at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut and the renewed call for additional gun control. My deepest condolences go out to the family and friends of the victims of this horrific event, and I appreciate your input on this important issue.

First and foremost, no words or actions can alleviate the loss of innocent lives. This tragedy has greatly afflicted our nation. As a father of four, one of which is a public school teacher, I understand the apprehension that many Americans felt when they first heard of this horrific event. We must stop and pray for all those impacted by this tragedy and for a full recovery for those left injured.

Americans of all political stripes can agree that weapons should never be accessible to those who are mentally ill. Americans have a constitutional right to keep and bear arms; however, with that right comes an obligation to make sure those weapons are securely stored and not available to anyone without the owner 's express permission and supervision. We do not need to pass a law to start this reform; we simply need every gun owner, gun store, and shooting organization to take action today to better secure our firearms.

In response to this tragic event, some have called for additional gun control measures, like President Obama ’s proposed 23 executive actions; or Senator Diane Feinstein 's bill that would stop the sale, transfer, importation and manufacturing of assault weapons as well as large ammunition magazines, strips and drums that hold more than 10 rounds. I oppose President Obama ’s executive actions, Senator Feinstein ’s bill, and similar legislation, and believe federal controls often create burdens for law-abiding citizens and infringe upon constitutional rights provided by the Second Amendment. In my view, protecting the rights of citizens and providing for their security against foreign enemies and domestic criminals is the most important duty of government. The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution recognizes the right to possess and carry weapons. Law abiding citizens have a fundamental right to protect themselves and their families.

I am hopeful that this tragedy will highlight our country 's need for greater awareness of mental illness. The causes of violence in our country are deeper and more complex than just firearms. We must continue to address the gaps in our mental health system and drugs and violence in our culture.

Please rest assured that I will keep your thoughts in mind as Congress begins the 113th session and legislation is introduced to address these issues. Again, thank you for taking the time to contact me. I appreciate having the opportunity to represent you in the U.S. House of Representatives. Please feel free to visit my website ( or contact me with any future concerns.


John Carter
Member of Congress
You should all reply that further restrictions and bans on personal firearms would be unconstitutional and if he will not uphold the Constitution of the United States you will work passionately to unseat him at his reelection.
While it sounds good that he claims he won't back Feinstein's plan, the fact that he thinks laws to force us to lock up our guns are ok is deeply disturbing. I would send a reply to him and let him know you do not support any further gun control laws and that if he will not stand up for our Constitutional Rights you will work passionately to unseat him during his next reelection.
That's the reply that I received as well.

We need to keep the heat on both Bennet and Udall. Media reports are that they're still undecided on further gun restrictions.
Congressman Carter doesn't want new laws, just to remind owners to be proactive in keeping their firearms out of the hands of those that shouldn't have 'em.

Americans of all political stripes can agree that weapons should never be accessible to those who are mentally ill. Americans have a constitutional right to keep and bear arms; however, with that right comes an obligation to make sure those weapons are securely stored and not available to anyone without the owner 's express permission and supervision. We do not need to pass a law to start this reform; we simply need every gun owner, gun store, and shooting organization to take action today to better secure our firearms.
Reported Post by bigfatdave in Activism

bigfatdave has reported a post.

Post: Reply from Congressman John Carter, Texas 31st District
Forum: Activism
Assigned Moderators: benEzra, hso, ArfinGreebly

Posted by: lopaka
Original Content:
Thank you for contacting me to express your concerns regarding the tragic shootings at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut and the renewed call for additional gun control. My deepest condolences go out to the family and friends of the victims of this horrific event, and I appreciate your input on this important issue.

First and foremost, no words or actions can alleviate the loss of innocent lives. This tragedy has greatly afflicted our nation. As a father of four, one of which is a public school teacher, I understand the apprehension that many Americans felt when they first heard of this horrific event. We must stop and pray for all those impacted by this tragedy and for a full recovery for those left injured.

Americans of all political stripes can agree that weapons should never be accessible to those who are mentally ill. Americans have a constitutional right to keep and bear arms; however, with that right comes an obligation to make sure those weapons are securely stored and not available to anyone without the owner 's express permission and supervision. We do not need to pass a law to start this reform; we simply need every gun owner, gun store, and shooting organization to take action today to better secure our firearms.

In response to this tragic event, some have called for additional gun control measures, like President Obama ’s proposed 23 executive actions; or Senator Diane Feinstein 's bill that would stop the sale, transfer, importation and manufacturing of assault weapons as well as large ammunition magazines, strips and drums that hold more than 10 rounds. I oppose President Obama ’s executive actions, Senator Feinstein ’s bill, and similar legislation, and believe federal controls often create burdens for law-abiding citizens and infringe upon constitutional rights provided by the Second Amendment. In my view, protecting the rights of citizens and providing for their security against foreign enemies and domestic criminals is the most important duty of government. The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution recognizes the right to possess and carry weapons. Law abiding citizens have a fundamental right to protect themselves and their families.

I am hopeful that this tragedy will highlight our country 's need for greater awareness of mental illness. The causes of violence in our country are deeper and more complex than just firearms. We must continue to address the gaps in our mental health system and drugs and violence in our culture.

Please rest assured that I will keep your thoughts in mind as Congress begins the 113th session and legislation is introduced to address these issues. Again, thank you for taking the time to contact me. I appreciate having the opportunity to represent you in the U.S. House of Representatives. Please feel free to visit my website ( or contact me with any future concerns.


John Carter
Member of Congress
The letter I got from Portman's letter-opening monkey is in this post:
in this thread:
Where letters and responses are being amalgamated.

Rob Portman's correspondence drone said:
Dear BFD,

Thank you for contacting me about our Second Amendment rights. It is good to hear from you.

I am a gun owner who believes in the right to bear arms in defense of self, family and property. During my 12 years serving in Congress, I received an "A" rating from the National Rifle Association for defending our Constitutional Rights. I opposed the so-called "assault weapons ban" and opposed the Brady Bill. I supported repealing both the Clinton gun ban and the Washington, D.C. gun ban. I voted to protect the private information of gun owners; to protect state gun laws; and to protect firearm and ammunition manufacturers, dealers or importers from lawsuits and damages related to criminal misuse by a third party.

As a life-long hunter, I also believe the rights and freedoms of hunters must be guarded and I developed an executive order that the president signed to enhance hunting and fishing opportunities at wildlife refuges and national preserves. As your Senator, I will continue to protect our Constitutional freedoms and will be a strong advocate for preserving these rights and traditions for future generations.

Thank you for taking the time to contact my office. For more information, I encourage you to visit my website at Please keep in touch.

Rob Portman
U.S. Senator

Three different letters is interesting, though. Mine is from 14jan2013.
I've written Udall, Bennet, Gardner, and Polis personally voicing my opposition to any new firearms legislation, as well as using the Ruger mass mailer.
On the surface it sounds like a firm 2A supporter. I agree that we don't want mentally ill people with access to firearms. I agree it is our responsibility to safely secure our firearms and that that is a part of being a responsible gun owner. Where I live I can legally leave a loaded gun on every table or chair in my house. That is NOT responsible gun ownership.
Rep. Bob Latta Ohio's 5th District

I recently got this letter from Bob Latta.
Rep Bob Latta said:
Dear rjrivero,

Thank you for contacting me with your support for Second Amendment rights. In order to make sound voting decisions, I need to hear from the constituents in the Fifth Congressional District. I appreciate you taking the time to contact me with your thoughts on this issue, as I know how important it is to you.

As a lifetime hunter and a competitor at the National Rifle and Pistol Championship matches at Camp Perry, I fully support our Second Amendment right to bear arms. The framework for the Constitution gives us the rights that we as Americans have in this country. During my time in the Ohio General Assembly, I was the House Co-Chair for the Ohio Sportsmen's Caucus. In addition, as Chairman of the House Criminal Justice Committee, I fought hard for the citizens of Ohio in assisting to pass Ohio's Conceal Carry legislation. Here in Congress, I am a Co-Chairman of the Congressional Sportsmen's Caucus, as well as being a co-sponsor of numerous pieces of legislation protecting our Second Amendment rights.

One of our Founding Fathers, Thomas Jefferson, once said "Laws that forbid the carrying of arms...disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes...Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." Please be assured that as I continue to represent the Fifth Congressional District, I will continue to protect our Second Amendment rights.

It is my great honor to serve as your Member of Congress and it is my number one priority to represent you and the best interests of the Fifth Congressional District. Please do not hesitate to call, write, or e-mail me in the future with any of your concerns or questions. For federal-related issues, you may reach my Washington, D.C. office by phone at (202) 225-6405, or my District office at (800) 541-6446 for constituent services. I encourage you to visit my website at where you can sign up for my e-newsletter and text message updates. The website also provides links to my YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Flickr pages, as well as my blog, the Latta Letter, all of which will help bring my work in Washington, D.C. home to you.


Bob Latta
Member of Congress
You know, I thought that finding out he is a 2A supporter and opposes Obama's gun control agenda would diminish my desire to make a Mars-related joke.

.......I was wrong.

Seriously though, another one of the good guys it seems.
Dear Mr. corespondent,

Thank you for contacting my office. I appreciate your thoughts regarding gun ownership and use.

As your Lieutenant Governor and a former prosecutor, I am committed to protecting our constitutional rights. But we also need to consider the effects of gun violence. Our efforts should focus on protecting both our rights and our safety.

To this end I have assembled a bipartisan Firearms Working Group bringing together freshmen state Senators and Representatives from across the state to learn about different perspectives on gun ownership. My Working Group will meet in the coming months with gun owners, families of gun violence victims, hunters, law enforcement officials, mental health professionals, educators and firearm retailers. My goal is to promote a more constructive conversation on these issues and seek consensus on policies and legislation that make sense for Illinois.

You can learn more about the Firearms Working Group at

Thank you once again for your thoughts. It is important for me to maintain an engagement with the public on all matters that affect our state. Please contact my office again at any time.


Sheila Simon

Me too, and a similar form letter from Stabenow. I didn't vote for either, and neither got elected running on a pro-gun platform, so they don't care.

It may be time to actively campaign against them and force them to care.
I too have received a similar response from Senator Stabenow.

I have been voting against both of these Senators for years now, with no appreciable difference in outcome. :barf:

They both have the backing of the unions, and the liberal paradises of Detroit and Lansing, which means they aren't going anywhere anytime soon.

That said, I will continue to vote against them, and try to convince others to do the same. A man can dream right? :)
I too got the same garbage. I didn't expect anything less from that clown. He has known for awhile he will never get my vote, same with Stab-her-now, but they legislate to the lowest common denominator in Detoilet. Always have.