
Rand Paul is one of only two U.S. Senators that I trust to uphold the literal translation of the U.S. Constitution - the other being Marco Rubio from the great state of FL.
got a 2nd reply from claire mccaskill

So I got 2 replies from the letters I sent Missouri's NRA F rated senator, I got one reply from her on the 13th, and got another reply yesterday (I think to my mass letter through ruger), I won't bore anyone with the long detailed letters though neither of them were as firmly anti as I was expecting. I did notice that in the first one she seemed firmly in support of AWB, magazine restrictions, and universal background checks. In the second she does not mention assault weapons or magazines. Though she does still mention the need for universal background checks, she did add that any proposal would need careful review, when that was not part of her 1st response.

Both I am sure are her standard from letters so I find it a bit encouraging that someone chose to remove references to assault weapons and magazine capacity to the most recent one.

Of course take all of this with a grain of salt she is a politician after all, and keep the pressure up especially when a bill is in danger of being voted on.
Reply from IL Lt. Gov.

I'm suprised I got a reply. This has been the only one so far. :rolleyes:

Thank you for contacting my office. I appreciate your thoughts regarding the Second Amendment rights of all Illinois residents.

Hunting is an important tradition across the state and in my native Southern Illinois, and as a former prosecutor and as Lt. Governor, I am committed to protecting our constitutional rights. But we also need to consider the effects of gun violence. Our efforts should focus on protecting both our constitutional rights and our safety.

My goal is to support measures that both reduce gun violence and protect the constitutional rights of law-abiding gun owners. As firearms legislation moves through the General Assembly, I expect that there will be a robust debate on these issues. I will continue to be involved in discussions that involve the safety of our citizens.

Thank you once again for your thoughts. It is important for me to maintain an active engagement with the public on all matters that affect our state. Please contact my office again at any time.


Sheila Simon
I got the same thing. My reply reminded her that hunting is a privilege whereas owning firearms is a constitutional right.
These antis try this divide and conquer thing all the time. Trying to appeal to the hunters to get them to support "common sense" gun laws.

Posted from App for Android
broken concepts include (but are not limited to)

-2a is about hunting
-gun violence is different from general violence
-legislation impacts the plans of violent criminals
Remind those that aren't dedicated Antis that the costs to the supporters of any new law restricting magazines, firearms, or ammunition will be higher than the '96, '98, and 2000 elections.

Remind them that Clinton and Feinstein gave too much credit to the NRA at the time of the backlash to AWB '94 for the losses in Congress and that the same mistakes are being made now.

Even more now than then, the number of voters who own these firearms and magazines that use this ammunition out number NRA members and far far outnumber hunters and are a growing group in the country.
Even more now than then, we're better connected and organized through internet forums and social media.
Even more now than, then the facts and actual data on crime showing that murder rates have fallen ever since AWB '94 expired are readily available and easily shared demonstrating the fact that AWB '13 supporters are lying to the American voters.
Even now more than then, we know that replacing politician supporting an AWB is possible and we'll spend our time and money to see that takes place. AND that even if one is passed the backlash will see it reversed

There are far more of us, we have access to better information, we're far better organized on our own, and we'll be far more active in removing any politician from office that wants to restrict firearms, magazines or ammunition we might want to own.
My "reply" from her as well

Thank you for contacting my office. I appreciate your thoughts regarding the Second Amendment rights of all Illinois residents.

Hunting is an important tradition across the state and in my native Southern Illinois, and as a former prosecutor and as Lt. Governor, I am committed to protecting our constitutional rights. But we also need to consider the effects of gun violence. Our efforts should focus on protecting both our constitutional rights and our safety.

My goal is to support measures that both reduce gun violence and protect the constitutional rights of law-abiding gun owners. As firearms legislation moves through the General Assembly, I expect that there will be a robust debate on these issues. I will continue to be involved in discussions that involve the safety of our citizens.

Thank you once again for your thoughts. It is important for me to maintain an active engagement with the public on all matters that affect our state. Please contact my office again at any time.
While it sounds that she softened a little it still sounds like she's still firmly anti-American.
Sounds like a good guy. Remember to keep him in office during reelection and to help his campaign when the time comes.
That's too bad, concealed carry license age is 18 in my state (private sale/gift from parents I guess).

It's ridiculous that you can be drafted and vote at 18 but not be able to drink a beer or buy a revolver.
Response from CO Rep. Mike Coffman

Dear Dr. Ellis:

Thank you for contacting me about Senator Diane Feinstein's assault weapons ban proposal. This issue is of great importance to me as well, so I appreciate hearing your thoughts and the opportunity to respond to your concerns.

As you are aware, Senator Diane Feinstein has proposed legislation to prohibit the sale, importation, transfer, and manufacturing of all assault weapons and high capacity ammunition-feeding devices. This federal mandate would outlaw the purchase, ownership, and use of hundreds of firearms and would limit magazine capacity to 10 rounds for semiautomatic rifles and handguns. As a member of the House of the Representatives, I will not vote on this legislation unless it is passed by the Senate and scheduled for a vote in the House.

Representative Diana DeGette has introduced House Resolution 138, the Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device Act. As a companion bill to Senator Feinstein's legislation, H.R. 138 would likewise ban the transfer and possession of large capacity ammunition feeding devices. I believe that states should continue to implement these standards. It would not be wise for Congress to establish an arbitrary national standard, provided that each state is composed of different demographics, crime rates, and local culture. The Colorado General Assembly will be having this debate during this session of the legislature. I do not doubt Senator Feinstein's and Rep. DeGette's sincerity, but I believe these standards are best left to state and local governments. However, I am in favor of improving the federal gun background check system through legislation that would strengthen the screening process for people who have a record of past criminal activities or mental illness.

Thank you again, Nicholas, for taking the time to contact me. For more information on my work in Congress on your behalf, please sign up for my newsletter at


Mike Coffman
Member of Congress
Remember that to those people the Second Amendment means that a goverenment-controlled militia has the right to have guns in order to keep the lower classes in check. So they can say, with a straight face, that they support the Second Amendment.

I got over a dozen of that same email. Doesn't matter what I write, the same form letter comes back. Really makes you feel like your voice is heard...

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
She was polling pretty badly before a major public gaffe by her opponent this past election. Maybe she realizes shes going to have to be more moderate to stand a chance of ever winning again in this state. Then again she doesn't have to face voters for another 6 years so we'll see. I did find the language difference in the letters encouraging though.
reply from congressman G.K. Butterfield NC

this is the response from congressman G.K. Butterfield to my letter to all my representatives through the ruger website.

Dear Friend:

Thank you for contacting me regarding Second Amendment Rights' and gun violence. I appreciate learning your views.

Like many Americans, I am concerned about preserving our constitutional rights to own firearms. As you know, the majority of gun owners in America are law-abiding citizens who responsibly maintain firearms for personal protection or personal hobbies.

However, the tragic deaths of 26 children and adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newton, Connecticut plus several other mass killings involving deadly firearms suggest a need for policymakers to consider limiting the proliferation of assault rifles and high-capacity magazines, completing thorough background check on all gun sales, preventing the trafficking of guns, and working with mental health professionals and law enforcement to keep guns out of the hands of those who may cause us harm. Enacting sensible gun laws that fully considers the time in which we live would place our country on a path to more responsible gun-ownership and decreased gun violence.

As more gun control proposals are put forth, I look forward to working with my Congressional colleagues to thoughtfully consider the measures that take appropriate action.

Very truly yours,

G.K. Butterfield
Member of Congress

i responded by telling him politely that this issue is near and dear to my heart and central to my ideas about this country. then i finished by saying that he would never receive another one of my votes and i am waiting for the day he is challenged by another individual worthy of my vote and respect.
Did you let him know that there is no proliferation of "assault rifles" and he should refrain from voting for something that he apparently knows nothing about?
He is one of the good ones that understands the constitution and his role to represent you rather than rule you. If his daddy had been elected, we wouldn't have this current crises of some believing they can take away God given rights.
Replay from Brad Schneider - Anti

Dear correspondent,

Thank you for contacting me in support of American's Second Amendment rights and gun safety. I truly appreciate your input as I work to represent your interests in Washington.

Gun violence is unfortunately not a rare occurrence in our country. The massacres such as the ones we have witnessed in Newtown, Oak Creek, Aurora and Tucson each shook the nation, and every couple of months there seems to be another tragedy. We all want to see senseless violence end. Regrettably, little action is taken to prevent the next tragedy, even in the aftermath of horrific events.

I do believe in, and am committed to defending our Second Amendment rights, including the right to bear arms. The vast majority of gun owners who live in the Tenth Congressional District and across the country are law abiding citizens and important and valued members of our community.

I also believe we can, and should, take sensible steps to improve the safety of our communities. President Obama has called on Congress to pass sensible legislation that would ban military style assault weapons, put limits on high capacity magazines, create a universal background check for gun purchases and increase penalties to combat gun trafficking. I believe that these are all proposals that would help to decrease gun violence while respecting American's Second Amendment Rights.

I have called on my colleagues from both sides of the aisle to unite behind these proposals and pledge to do all that I can to ensure that they become law. I believe it is time for Congress and the country to engage in a national conversation about measures that can be taken to enact safe, sensible policy that will help to reduce gun violence while respecting American's Second Amendment rights.

I would like to thank you again for reaching out to me on this important matter. Hearing from constituents like you allows me to bea more informed and effective Member of Congress. If I can be of further assistance to you on this or any other matter, please do not hesitate to contact me or my office.


Brad Schneider
United States Representative
Tenth Congressional District of Illinois
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I would write him back and say bluntly that if you vote for further gun control that infringes on our Constitutional Rights than I and many others will work passionately to unseat you at your next election. And then I would do it.
Congressman Tipton responds

Dear Mr. Mosbyranger:

Thank you for taking the time to contact me regarding Second Amendment rights and the national imperative to keep our children safe. I appreciate you taking the time to inform me of your thoughts on this issue. My thoughts and prayers are with the families and loved ones of those that were tragically killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

This horrific tragedy as well as that which occurred in Aurora has reignited the debate regarding public safety and how best to prevent atrocities such as this from occurring again. Keeping our children safe must remain a top priority for lawmakers of all political stripes, and we must be prudent in implementing a comprehensive plan for school safety moving forward. I am a strong supporter of Second Amendment rights and I am committed to protecting the right of the American people to bear arms in future legislative efforts. In addressing this pressing safety problem, all options should remain on the table, but I will not support rash legislation that fails to appropriately analyze and address the real issues we face.

As we examine the factors that led to these mass shootings, it will be critical to emphasize the role that parents and community leaders can play in prevention efforts. It is also important to increase our efforts to reform policy with respect to mental illness to ensure that those who are mentally ill are never in a position to commit violent atrocities on our children and others. It is also critical that firearm sales are monitored to ensure proper examination of the purchaser's background prior to purchase. I look forward to working with my colleagues towards comprehensive policy to help make our schools safe havens for children and to prevent tragedies like those at Sandy Hook and Aurora in the future. Should legislation concerning this matter come to the House floor I will be sure to keep your views in mind.

As always, I welcome the opportunity to communicate with you regarding issues impacting Colorado. For your convenience, you may sign up to receive regular email updates from me on matters important to the 3rdCongressional District at Please do not hesitate to contact my office if I can ever be of any assistance.


Pretty much boilerplate, sounds like he will support universal background checks, but at least he recognizes the mental health angle of mass shootings. I do have to wonder what his definition of "rash legislation" is.
Need to tell him you don't support what is a gun registration and additional cost (most places will charge you if you are required to go through a background check to transfer a firearm, see MA). And that you will work passionately to unseat him if he votes for it.