He's one of the few good senators. His voting record mirrors what the Constitution says.
Dear Friend:
Thank you for contacting me regarding Second Amendment Rights' and gun violence. I appreciate learning your views.
Like many Americans, I am concerned about preserving our constitutional rights to own firearms. As you know, the majority of gun owners in America are law-abiding citizens who responsibly maintain firearms for personal protection or personal hobbies.
However, the tragic deaths of 26 children and adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newton, Connecticut plus several other mass killings involving deadly firearms suggest a need for policymakers to consider limiting the proliferation of assault rifles and high-capacity magazines, completing thorough background check on all gun sales, preventing the trafficking of guns, and working with mental health professionals and law enforcement to keep guns out of the hands of those who may cause us harm. Enacting sensible gun laws that fully considers the time in which we live would place our country on a path to more responsible gun-ownership and decreased gun violence.
As more gun control proposals are put forth, I look forward to working with my Congressional colleagues to thoughtfully consider the measures that take appropriate action.
Very truly yours,
G.K. Butterfield
Member of Congress