Revell v. Port Authority of NJ & NY

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Jun 10, 2010
Newark, CA
So, this is one of my big concerns, getting stuck at an airport where guns just aren't allowed no matter what, and one can be arrested for having possession of the gun no matter how it was locked up.

The case in question was mentioned on the closed thread, Revell v. Port Authority, so I hope that the Mod's don't mind me starting a new one related to this issue.

In light of the McDonald decision, is it possible for this case to be re-opened, and the PA could see a lot more of this guy? gura.gif


The linked decision in the closing posts of the referenced thread seems to address your concerns appropriately; Revell was not 'arrested for having possession of the gun no matter how it was locked up', but was arrested because he (unwittingly) took himself outside of the legal boundaries of the FOPA.

The unevenness of the legal landscape makes it very hard sometimes for a traveller to know the specifics of what they can/can not do WRT carrying a firearm, but that does not mean that the traveller does not have the legal obligation to do so....

It is also unlikely that Revell has legal standing to continue his fight in the current legal climate.
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