Revolver vs Semi-Auto For truck Gun

Revolver or Semi-Auto For truck gun

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In my opinion and actual experience with quality revolvers, the claimed benefits of revolvers being more tolerant of neglect, dirt, dust, etc. is highly overblown when compared to any quality modern semiauto. And this only becomes more true with something that will be kept in a weathertight area like your truck. I would not expect any reliability benefit there. The only reliability benefit I see is if you might need to shoot weak-handed at an awkward angle, or otherwise with no support - that might short-stroke and temporarily jam the auto, while it won't affect the revolver.

They're both good guns and are quite different from each other. I would forget any ideas that one has a reliability advantage (except in the noted scenario) and choose the one that you just like better.
This is the kind of question that only you as an individual can answer. You have to go with the gun that best fits your hand and eye and the one that you are most comfortable with ... and, of course, the one that you are least afraid of losing once your rig is ransacked by some cruising meth-head.
Get the used semi for as cheap as you can find one.

Like some other posters, I have a hard time keeping a gun in my truck when Im not in it.
Given the choices, my recommendation would be to go with wth M&P 40. It's relatively flat (easy to conceal). Can be kept with an unloaded chamber. Reloads are quick with spare magazines.

Invest in a storage case (metal lock box) that anchors to the chassis.
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