Revolvers, fewer is more


Feb 28, 2015
N. Georgia
I feel I've come of that age.

Over months (and months) I've sold off many guns.

Now have but three K-frame and three L-frame S&Ws.

And I appreciate them more than when I had a much larger number.

Two are Combat Masterpieces .38s that have special meaning for me.

I use two Performance Center models regularly for HD and sometimes when I'm out and about.

Of autos, only one which has special meaning for me and is basically retired.

I do enjoy this site as for so many the hunt remains strong for new experiences. But as I said, I'm of that age. And most content.
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It’s hopefully a long time until I inherit anything else from anybody, but the conversations have already started with my dad. When I’m gone I want such and such to happen. When I’m gone come get this or your sister will throw it away. My nephew hunts with my dad but my sister doesn’t want guns in her home, so I will have a few to keep maintained until they can go where they are intended to. Again, hopefully a long time out. There’s a list in my safe of what things are, what they are worth, and how to dispose. Hopefully the wife doesn’t have to use that list either, but it’s there if it’s needed.
At one time had a few really nice S&W revolvers Models 2- 36's , 14 , 3- 64's ,67 and couple 686's had to sell them all . Had a GP100 .357 for awhile a nice gun but with arthritis didn't shoot it much , if ever get a chance would like another 686
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I still enjoy buying guns but after 20 years, the collection is complete enough that I have become very selective.

I may buy a Korth or order a Wilson to scratch the high end custom itch, but I look at most guns and go "meh".

I enjoy shooting my 4 inch Smith 629 enough that everything else has been gathering dust, to the point I am considering getting rid of some "lesser" brands.

I have a 9mm 1911 and a CZ that are amazing to shoot. Do I really need to keep the Bersa? Nope. Do I need 3 CZs? Nope.

My problem is I like them all too much to get rid of them.
What to do with old antler mounts? I have a few from some of my better hunts, all mule deer except one moose, hanging on my reloading room wall. I doubt anyone will want them when I go.
Figure out somebody that might appreciate them and send them that way, or find somebody who is into knife making and send them that way if nobody wants them as full antlers. Thinking about it now, how great would it be to have a handful of knives made using antler scales from one of your memorable hunts and leave those knives to your kinfolk. I would have to write up the story and include that with the knife.
I still enjoy buying guns but after 20 years, the collection is complete enough that I have become very selective.

I may buy a Korth or order a Wilson to scratch the high end custom itch, but I look at most guns and go "meh".

I enjoy shooting my 4 inch Smith 629 enough that everything else has been gathering dust, to the point I am considering getting rid of some "lesser" brands.

I have a 9mm 1911 and a CZ that are amazing to shoot. Do I really need to keep the Bersa? Nope. Do I need 3 CZs? Nope.

My problem is I like them all too much to get rid of them.

This is pretty much where I found myself recently. And actually just sold a Bersa last week.
I'll be keeping my Smiths and Rugers and Colts though.
After a recent health scare, I realized that I was gonna be leaving the family a mess if I suddenly passed away. So I'm concentrating on my Excel document with all my firearms listed, serial numbers, and current value, boxing up and labeling magazines for each pistol, inventorying ammo (and listing approximate value).

Recently sold a revolver I had another of the same model and vintage, organizing the collection, only keeping duplicates of the regularly carried handguns. Long guns, no problem.

The only revolvers I have left are all vintage and collectible S&Ws and Colts, plus a handful of the "new Colts" (Pythons, Cobras, King Cobras). These are the ones I want to have passed down to my children and nephews as heirlooms.

Lotta considerations as we grow older.
As we gun owners get older there are a lot of things to consider, like some of you I don’t want to leave my wife a mess if I go first we don’t have any children so the only ones I have to pass them onto are my nephews and my 1 niece who will be retiring out of the Navy in a few years. My other niece has no interest in them for her 2 kids. I have been selling some of them as I also inherited my father in laws , I am keeping the ones that mean a lot to me and a few of my father in laws that were special to him I am now about to where I want to be in numbers. My goal is just a core group of guns that I thoroughly enjoy and are special to me but also streamlines my reloading process with powder, primers and bullets. I am now 69 and in the last year this has become important to me not leaving a mess for my wife luckily my one nephew is a shotgun guy and reloads so my wife will have help if I pre decease her it is a discussion him and I have had. My lawyer has recommended that I make a list of who I want them to go to I know which one my niece wants my S&W 14-2 with the pearl grips. Sadly this is something we all face but I feel preparing ahead of time will make it less difficult for those left behind.
I am not planning on kicking off anytime soon but who really knows. Being three days older than dirt as my grand kids frequently remind me I have started sending some where I want them to go. Four have changed owners in the last year and I have most of the others listed as to who I want to receive them when it's time.

I would still buy something I really wanted but would have to take some time to consider if I really did.
This thread is apropos for me. I traded several guns to get a gun just recently. One day about a month ago I was moving some things around in my safe and there were several guns that I really had no love for any longer. When I feel disdain or regret over a thing I remove that thing from my life. Which is what I did.
In the trade I knew the LGS thought he was making out. He was, but I made out much better.
I’m 63. I am not concerned about myself or my health, but I am tired of having things around that just aren’t beneficial to me.
I have a couple of SxS shotguns to deal with next. I think they’ll become a .22 bolt action rifle. A much more useful thing. 😎

EDIT: Oops! Sorry. When I posted this I forgot I was in “Revolvers”. BUT I am considering trading some Glocks to buy a new revolver. I am still deciding which new revolver. 😉
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I went through the same thing a few years back. Decades of buying and trading had left me with stacks of guns just laying around - including many duplicates, and many that I didn't know I had and couldn't for the life of me remember acquiring. The epiphany was something along the lines of "They all do the same thing!"

So I'm down to a relative handful - all either guns that I use and enjoy, or things with so much sentimental value that I could never let them go.
I started thinning my herd a few years back after buying and never selling all my life. Guns just sitting in the back of the safes that had not seen day light in years. My eyes are getting older and even after trying glasses and such open sights on rifles just don't click like they used to. Used the cash to do other stuff I like even though shooting is my main hobby. Spent some of it on new revolvers and got into 10 MM for hog hunting. I used to say never sell a gun but things changed and I'm glad I did. I could have left them for the kids but they would probably sell all of them but the ones I brought them up on. Screw em, I'm going to enjoy this while I can...
I'm 73 and starting to realize I've got more revolvers than I need. To stop accumulating more, I've been trading up with my LGS. I trade a gun I rarely shoot or duplicate + cash for something special. My local shop is one of the "old time" shops that's struggling run by two retired detectives. One's a Viet Nam vet. They make out well and I still get to acquire something different and stay in the game. I might consign a couple as well.