Rifle shipping boxes and shippers?

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Nov 30, 2005
Seeley Lake
I have four (4) 1863 Sharps single shot rifles that I want to ship, preferably in a single package - that is, rifles are shipped together but not necessarily in a single shipping box. These rifles do not accept cartridges, so in terms of BATFE they are not firearms. All have 30-inch barrels, making them long compared with most modern cartridge rifles.

Please avoid a reply that is not specific to what I need to know.

Okay, to the questions.
1. What is an efficient procedure to package the rifles, again, singly or as a single group of four, including identifying shipping container satisfactory for the job.

2. Would I be better off to have a third party pack the rifles?

3. If packing by a third party is your solution of choice, please identify whom I should hire? I am in Missoula County, Montana. There are many gun stores, at least one rifle manufacturer, at least two gunsmiths, UPS franchise stores, a FedEx store, and probably more potential third-party possibilities I have omitted.
If you believe it might be easier on both of us to exchange information personally, please PM or email me.
I just realized I left out insurance. These rifles need be insured for about $10K. This number might scratch otherwise good shippers, OR force me to make more than one shipping instance.
Naphtali wrote:
These rifles need be insured for about $10K

$10,000 each or all together? Either way, the insurance cost will take your breath away.

If you do not package them in the same container, you cannot be sure they will all arrive at the same time.

You may want to try the gun stores or gunsmiths because they probably do enough business with UPS or FedEx they probably have corporate accounts with them that will let you get the shipping for a reduced rate - even after paying them a fee for helping.
Sounds like you have a number of options. I'd spend some time on the phone talking with some of them. Tell them what you need and see what they say.
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