Right to carry in Maryland

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I've heard the words "just move out of state" so many times, in response to the situation in MD, and it makes me a little angry.

I've recently changed my tune on this, especially since learning what PA is like.
If MD started on the path to be more like home, then home wouldn't be such a battleground state.
DC would be a microcosm of violence an death, without a macrocosm surrounding it to the north, and its residents would see all around them what gun ownership gets you.
PA would have less pressure on it - it's already pretty much surrounded, with the exception of Ohio, with pretty anti states.

MD right to carry would make for better neighbors for me. It's a good idea and I support it - ideologically. The problem is that I can't support it openly, because if I get involved, I'm tacitly agreeing to other states sticking their noses in Virginia's business.

But I can try to convince everyone not involved to stop naysaying. It happened in other states, and it can happen in MD. Moving isn't really the answer. We need to be encouraging them.
I always find it interesting that the majority of the folks that bash Maryland's stupid gun laws, spout the "I can't wait to move out this state" lines, and rain on everyones' optimism about reforming the CCW situation here are those that:

1. Have never joined the MSI mailing list or supported them financially.
2. Have never been to a hearing in Annapolis
3. Probably have never written a letter to their legislators.
4. Don't volunteer for the MCDL, MSI or NRA tables at the gun shows.

Believe it or not, things are better here than they could be.

Yes, we've been fighting defensive actions for the last 4 years. But....you know what? We've beaten back 4 attempts at an AWB, defeated the ammo tax, defeated the microstamping, neutered the IBIS system, and held off the assault weapons tax.

On the offense, MSI has received a lot of postive press in just the last two weeks for our efforts to expand the CCW procedures here. Does that equal shall issue? No....but it's one of many steps in the right direction and it's a damned sight more than any other supposed gun rights in this state is doing right now.

If you're going to leave for WV, PA, VA or even BFE, go for it.

Just realize that it's a temporary solution to a permanent problem.

The gun banners won't chew MD up and say, "Gee I'm full". They will finish off this state and proceed to the next one that they can gain a foothold on. The harder we fight here, the better off MD will be but so will the entire country.
Thanks for all the information, I would like to know more about MSI. How does it work?

This is the Old Line State. I know which side of the line I'm on ;)
Well, if you ever want a very peaceable witness in Annapolis with a PA CCW who isn't paying Maryland taxes in part because the gun laws mean it's a state I don't where want to live despite having a positive emotional and family link to the place, sign me up ;)

I agree with the poster who mentioned that it'd be good for VA and PA if MD would get a bit saner on the issue.


I live in Maryland and while I know my rights have been infringed,I still fight for them.The struggle for nationwide acknowledgement that the right to keep and bear arms is absolute will be won in states like Maryland and New Jersey,and in cities like New York and Washington D.C. Write letters,go to Annapolis,join the NRA,GOA and maryland shall issue.Take someone shooting or hunting.Know the law and use it.Register to vote.Fight.

I got this from a MSI update over a year ago (4/11/06) and have hung onto it because I feel it really sums it up... I am sure this applies to every state where the anti-gun sentiment is prevelant.

Can you move a loaded boxcar by yourself, by hand? Of course not. Nobody can do that. They can weight 100 tons or more. Your puny 180 pounds (or whatever) doesn't have a prayer of moving 100 tons - even on wheels.

Believe it or not, I have a friend whose job it was to move boxcars by hand. As he explained it, you get a big long pry bar and wedge it under a wheel of the boxcar. You get on the end of the pry bar and hang all your weight, and wait ... the boxcar will move almost imperceptibly - maybe a quarter inch. You do that again and again and each time it moves a little farther until pretty soon it's rolling along at mile or two an hour and you can't stop it. Moving boxcars by hand ... this is what we're doing in our fight for gun rights in Maryland.

MSI just started less than 2 years ago but this fight for shall-issue in Maryland has been going on for about 15 years.

Before MSI was started the situation had been much worse. The boxcar was moving the wrong direction (towards 'gun control') and had to be stopped before we could begin to go the other way. This was a tremendously difficult job and was accomplished by those who were on the scene before MSI arrived -- folks like (sorry, I'm sure to leave important ones out....) Sandy Abrams, Ray Albaugh, Dave Dimock, Steve Dirlik, Doug Gross, Ken Grubb, Charles Guggenheimer, John Josselyn, Phil Lee, Ed Patrick, Jim Purtilo, Mark Wilson and Dr. Zox; legislators like Carmen Amedori and Joe Getty (and many others); organizations like GOA and NRA. Phil Lee has a couple excellent postings that deal with this:

A Brief History of Maryland's Gun Laws:

End of Legislative Session - status:

This year we got many good bills introduced, more pro-gun bills than in any session for at least the last couple decades, and the anti-gun bills were just going through the motions. The Assault Weapons Ban could not get a Senate sponsor, and the AWB in the House got 30 fewer cosponsors than last year. For the last two sessions the Maryland State Police did NOT testify against shall-issue CCW, while the previous sessions they did.

The Legislative Session is over for this year. None of our good pro-self-defense bills got a vote, but there was clear (if small) movement in our direction.

The boxcar is starting to move the other direction - towards gun rights. We are gaining momentum. The elections are next. What happens in the elections will set the stage for what we can and can't accomplish for the next 4 years. The elections will be crucial.

Everyone needs to get involved in elections in your own District. Find out who is running in your District. Find out what their positions are on gun rights. Determine who deserves your support... and support them!

Legislators are most grateful for those who not only donate money, but donate time ... work for their campaign ... put up yard signs in their yard, and walk the Districts with them. These are the people that the legislators will get to know as representative of their constituents... the concerns of these workers will become the concerns of these legislators. Work for those legislators in your district and you will have access and influence.

It's very important to support those that supported us. It will also be important to support and influence those who might consider supporting us in the future.

The boxcar is moving ... we need to keep it moving.
I've recently changed my tune on this, especially since learning what PA is like.

What's wrong with Pennsylvania? I carry regularly here, with no issues. I've even carried in Philadelphia, where they're making moves to abolish state preemption (likely with no success).
What's wrong with Pennsylvania?

A lot less than I thought, which was my point. PA isn't as bad as MD or NJ or NY. I used to think we were the last stop for gun rights going north. I now know that's no longer the case.

We don't need to import people. We need to export this idea:

VCDL rejects the approach of focusing on a defensive battle until “the time is right”. Even if you win 95% of the defensive battles, you lose 5%. Over time, this defensive war of attrition slowly whittles away our Rights until we have none.

The time isn’t going to magically become right to introduce pro-gun legislation. Instead, WE have to make the time right. And we do that by constantly pushing a pro-gun agenda – getting pro-gun legislation before the General Assembly, getting voters to contact their legislators, and hounding any locality that violates the law.

Even if we win only 5% of our pro-gun agenda each year, we are advancing our Rights each and every year, instead of losing them bit-by-bit.
You already have the right to carry without the state's permission.

Haven't you heard of civil disobedience?
The problem isn't that you "don't have the right to carry"...it's that you have FAILED to demand what you already possess.
Crebral - How would you know that? Do you live in Maryland? Do you follow the efforts of our local gunner's rights groups?

Or do you just like to make snide comments on issues that you don't have anything to do with, except as an internet observer?

We HAVE been fighting for our rights in Maryland. Ask Norton and the others here, they'll tell you. They're the ones who are leading the fight, trying to get things to make sense around here. Yes, we have a natural right to self defense, like anyone else does - but we also have the possibility of going to PRISON for a long time if we don't follow the rules. Civil disobedience is one thing, criminal activity is another.
I live in Virginia and am active in my state (and area), so don't lecture me on "fighting for your rights". You're not really fighting for them; you are ASKING. You do NOT need to ask. This attitude you have has resulted in people like me having to drive around YOUR borders because I don't have the money to fight it out in court.

I haven't seen a march on the capitol while openly carrying yet. When are you going to get off your duff and organize it? Why not organize all Maryland gun clubs and do a march? If people are serious, then start DEMANDING that they remove the law that forbids carry (and no, don't demand "concealed carry PERMITS").

Rosa Parks did an illegal act and look at the good that came out of it.
Rosa Parks did an illegal act and look at the good that came out of it.

Right... because her refusing to move is the only thing anyone ever did for civil rights. It just magically changed after that moment.

You don't have to drive around Maryland: you have rights there too, when are you going to stand up for them?

Is someone going to lock this thread please?
There is a huge difference between one man and 10,000. If I had the money, I'd take them to court...that's what one man can do against the agents of the state who enforce unconstitutional laws. Now, if 10,000 armed men marched, that's a whole different ballgame.

Maryland is not going to respond to yet another letter writing campaign. This is obvious.

And, Beatnik, don't be silly. We all know the history behind the Civil Rights movement.

If your rights are so absolute, then I suggest that you promptly try walking around the security checkpoint at the Richmond Airport with a handgun and see how well that turns out for you.

You should be GRATEFUL that there are as many people in MD and the other frontline states fighting the anti-gun battle as there are.

As much as the groups like VPC, MMM and the Brady Campaign want to pretend that they are this all-encompassing grassroots movement of concerned citizens, the reality is that it is a very small contingent of dedicated whackos who want to see the 2nd amendment stripped in practice from every citizen in this country.

As long as they are busy here fighting an uphill battle to pass more anti-gun laws, they have damned few other resources to attack your Constitutional rights in VA.

Things aren't as secure in the Old Dominion as some would like to believe. I mean, just where do you think all of those people in those houses in the Shenandoah Valley are from. They're not from VA, that's for sure. They are escaping the confiscation of their retirement money through taxation in places like MD, NJ, MA, NY. Trouble is that while they fleeing that taxation, they are bringing their anti-gun mindset with them.

So, before you go attacking an entire state of gun owners you should check out the facts and realize that, though we are definitely on the trailing end of making improvements, every fight that we win here is a victory for the long term security of your rights as well.
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