Romanian PSL-3 Recall?!?

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Mar 21, 2007
Kent, Washington
Ok, here I go. So back in November I picked up one of Century Arms' Romanian Dragonov clones, the PSL. I scooped it up the day I saw it because I wasn't going to let it pass me up again. I'd only found one other one like a year ago at a WAC show and someone else was just getting it. Got mine and loved it. It shot great and felt awesome. Went into the gun store I bought it from a couple weeks ago and the owner said that he got a letter from the BATF about my rifle. He said there was some kind of recall on the PSL's in regards to the machining but wasn't given any more info on what the deal was. All that was said in the letter was there was a recall and they had to send the rifle back. They told the ATF "hey we sold that rifle back in November what do you want us to do?" and they had to give over my personal information since I bought it. I thought this is crazy, so I asked to see the original letter they got, thinking this is all B.S. and some idiot's idea of a joke. They couldn't find the letter for some reason and I just blew it off and as nothing. I waited for weeks now without hearing from either Century Arms or the ATF about it. Now I come home today to see that a certified letter came to my home while I was out from who else-Century Arms!. I've checked all over Century's site and the BATF website but found zero about a recall. Anybody out there had a similar experience??
Thanks mrcpu.

Thank you for the link, I thought I did enough searching before I started the thread, but I guess not quite enough. This does unfortunately apply to me, as strange as it all is. One more time thanks for the directions to the legal/political forum instead of just coming down hard like some other sites where I've seen people ask "common" questions and get hell for it.
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