Ron Paul is making noise!

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Sorry Thumper, he is not third party. Ron Paul is running on the Republican ticket.
He is gaining support every day, as more people hear about his message.

And in ten years he might get 5% of Republicans to back him. This guy is going nowhere face. Sorry internet polls don't count.
Just so this is gun related, I give you this.
I agree with our founding fathers and others who assert that the right to keep and bear arms is a key cornerstone right that acts as an insurance policy for all other liberties. The problem is that this right is being eroded at the edges, and attempts to compromise have left us in a position where the basic principle has been nearly erased.
pcosmar, no-no, didn't you hear? Candidates like Guliani are much better gun rights advocates...:rolleyes: [/sarcasm]
As others have pointed out, Ron Paul is running in the Republican primary, so there is no third party effect, and for people to keep bringing that up either means those people don't know how the political process works or they are trying to sabotage his campaign.

To those who say Ron Paul doesn't have a chance of getting the nomination, I would have to agree with that. But I also bet that Ron Paul himself knows he isn't going to get the nomination. That is not really even the point. The fact that he is in the primary, and putting a conservative/libertarian/constituion-based viewpoint out there publicly helps to shape the Republican Party.

Just as Kucinich pushes the Democratic agenda to the authoritarian left, Ron Paul pushes the Republican agenda to the libertarian right.
He is the one Republican I will vote for.

Otherwise I'm gonna 'throw my vote away' on a 3rd party.

I've had enough.
Don't you naysayers ever get tired of being negative?

I get tired of hearing it thats for sure.

Seriously, somtimes I don't get it. Most people here are alert to whats happening out there politically and don't agree with it - want it to change - and yet when there is a worthwhile opportunity to get excited about and make a difference they just bitch and offer up all the reasons why it won't work. Rather than focusing on how it just might work.

The point is you get what you focus on. If all we talk about it is how unlikely it is or how improbable it is, then we don't talk about how to make it happen. And guess what? Then we don't talk about it to other people, we don't get involved, we don't bother voting or vote for the "lesser evil". And before you know it nothing changes. Change isn't going to happen by everyone sitting around talking about why it won't work. God is not just going to miracle Ron Paul into the Whitehouse.

Think about it.

And don't bother giving any pessimistic responses to this post 'cause I for one won't be paying attention :p


Sorry Thumper, he is not third party. Ron Paul is running on the Republican ticket.
He is gaining support every day, as more people hear about his message.

Oh, I get guys are saying that you'll support him as he "influences the primaries," but that's it?

Somehow I don't believe it.
hah, just realized this thread so far is mostly postive. but you know they're coming... just read a lot of neg. stuff lately here about Paul...

Define "Rino".
In other words and to borrow a phrase, Dr. Paul was a Reaganite long before being a Reaganite was cool.,2933,252847,00.html
Ronald Reagan once said that libertarianism is "the very heart and soul of conservatism" (Reagan was great at communicating the princples of limited government, if less great at actually implementing them). Of all the candidates so far declared, only Paul can credibly lay claim to the legacy of the Reagan-Goldwater revolution. How well he does, how long he lasts, and who ends up defeating him will reveal whether there's any limited government allegiance at all still stirring the Republican Party.
I don't understand where the negative attitude is coming from.
Ron Paul is a RINO.

That's the first time I've seen that term used as a compliment. Wisht we had more RINOs like Ron Paul and less like Giuliani.
hah, just realized this thread so far is mostly postive. but you know they're coming... just read a lot of neg. stuff lately here about Paul...
The negativity some hold towards Paul around here is a strange phenomenon. Given that, like Nomad, I think he's the only candidate among the two larger parties worth voting for, I haven't given the drivel espoused by Paul naysayers much thought. That said, I suppose that some High Road members prefer their own brand of authoritarianism (i.e., tyranny) to the constitutionally limited government created by the founders, and those same people view Ron Paul as a threat.
this country is going down the toilet faster and faster....ron paul....if he doesn't get it VOTE LIBERTARIAN...otherwise your grandchildren will probably live in slavery....if they don't it will be b/c a 2nd revolution...

look at our controlled media...the globalists are joining us, mexico, and canada. Yet all we see on the news is hollywood crap about baby this, shaved head that, and so and so doesn't wear panties...

The North American Union should be the biggest story in the country but where barely hearing anything about it....

i would have never thought it possible....but something much worse than 1984 is coming.
Ron Paul has my vote. If he runs, I may register Republican (currently 'I') just so I can vote for him in the primary.
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