Ron Paul the flunkie

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Mar 6, 2003
Well results from the Carolina straw poll came out. If I remember correctly, Guliani had about 140, and our savior Ron Paul had 1.... yes 1.

On the bright side the slugger form the west coast Duncan Hunter came in 3rd with 80, only a few points behind Romney.

The gauntlet has been set boys and girls. All of you can sit there and waste time money and resources on some flunkie who never has a chance of winning, or throw your lot in with Duncan Hunter who is actually a viable candidate.

Its far better to have Hunter as VP even if it means Guliani in the WH.

As asn aside for all you true believers, I have $5,000 that says Paul doens't win the party nomination.

Lets fight smart folks.
I won't vote for Guiliani

ETA: referring to the the only candidate who unwaveringly sticks to his principles as a "flunkie" is idiotic and does nothing but encourage the current political climate of corruption and pandering and discourage people with integrity from running for office. There's nothing wrong with saying you don't think he has a chance, but calling him a flunkie is taking the low road
A flunkie is someone who can't think for themselves and just does what his bosses tell him to do, hardly an accurate description for Ron Paul.
Well, anyone with eggets bigger than a gerbil's doesn't give up on a fight before a punch is thrown.
Why are you, STAGE 2?

If you believe in something, Fist Up and Rock On.

I would rather vote my conscience than vote for someone who my conscience says is wrong. It doesn't matter whether the person can win or not. Either way we're going to get someone who is bad for the constitution and our rights. I would rather go with a losing candidate knowing both he and I were right, than to add my vote to a chorus of folks voting for someone wrong because they thought it was a football game and wanted to say they voted for a "winner".
This just in, the final results, were Guliani with 121 and Hunter with 110.
Paul is a flunkie because he stands no chance of winning. Why in the world would anybody here vote for Paul, when there is Hunter, who is just as good, who is also totally viable.
And do you, STAGE 2, think that either of those candidates would make a better POTUS than Ron Paul?
And please, no tap-dancing. I asked a straight question and I expect a straight answer. It's how a man does things, dontcha know.

Which candidates? Hunter and Guliani? If you mean these two, I think it would be a draw between Paul and Hunter (who I'm probably going to vote for in the primary). Between Paul and Guliani, clearly Paul is the better candidate.

Before you start in, if your vote was cast SOLELY on who represented you best, then you should always write your name in. There isn't going to be anyone better than yourself to represent yourself.

By voting for someone else you have already made a compromise. There's no reason to waste a vote voting for someone who has no chance, when there is someone equally as good, who does have a chance.
I think the election is actually in late 2008. When the people were polled in early 1991 where was Bill Clinton? Oh wait GHWB had 90% approval and was certain to be reelected. How did that go??

You want to support a gun grabber? Go ahead it is only freedoms funeral.....
I think the election is actually in late 2008. When the people were polled in early 1991 where was Bill Clinton? Oh wait GHWB had 90% approval and was certain to be reelected. How did that go??

You want to support a gun grabber? Go ahead it is only freedoms funeral.....

Hunter isn't a gun grabber, and if this is a telling of the future, then we will have to start using negative numbers for Pauls campaign.
Probably so. The repubs are in big trouble and need to consolidate their base. Unfortunately they are trying to get the proles to back the wrong horse and are so doomed to failure.

I for one will never, ever, ever vote for anyone who supported in any way the Patriot Act.
The current option between Democrats and republicans is really just a question of which part of my life do I want the government to control: my money or my personal life? The problem with Hunter is that he seems like a fairly standard, socially conservative Republican who, as was previously pointed out, voted for the Patriot Act among other things. Ron Paul, on the other hand, supports a limited government that imposes as little as possible on the individual citizen -- fiscally or socially.

Furthermore, Paul only announced he was running a few days ago. Spread the word and support will follow.

That said, however, I'd vote for Hunter over Guiliani or McCain in the primary.
You said you wanted RG for president not Hunter.

No, I think the Guliani is the best chance for an R as president. Plus, if Hunter comes in a close second, there is a good chance he'll be picked as a running mate.

What is this stuff about rights grabbing?
What is this stuff about rights grabbing?

Might I suggest the Patriot Act as some light reading. Hunter fully supported and voted for it.
I won't vote for Guiliani

I wouldnt vote for Rudy even if a re-animated Thomas Jefferson were his running mate, Rudy is no friend of the 2nd at all. He is a "progressive" in sheeps clothing, and even Hunter as his running mate doesnt change that.

Might I suggest the Patriot Act as some light reading. Hunter fully supported and voted for it.
So do I. Whats the big deal?

<sigh> I love people that cherry pick their rights. You either support the Constitution or you dont. You dont get to decide which parts you like and toss the rest in the garbage, thats what antis do. If you dont see where the Unpatriotic Act violates the BOR then you havent read it close enough.
So do I. Whats the big deal?

Wow, there are so many things wrong with it I don't even know where to begin.

Have you actually read it?
Seen any of the Supreme Court decisions on it?
Thought about what it meant?
How it applies to individual freedoms and liberty?
Seen how has been used?
The oversight process?

If you have already done these things and still support it than you will probably do well as the warden running the secret prison.
Why did someone feel the need to drag down a candidate with "no chance of winning" by starting a thread on bashing the guy that'll supposedly get next to no votes What was the point of that? What does that say about needing other peoples' approval to justify their own decisions?

There are plenty of homeless people you can buy a vote from to counter my "flunkie vote". What I vote for is a personal thing; get out of my voting booth.
He has the potential to do a lot of damage to the repubs by pointing out all the hypocrites. Which is exactly what is needed to restore the soul of the party.
I'm starting to consider renaming myself to Dirty Harry. I hate ALL the current Republican candidates. I'd add that I hate the Democrats too, but I figure that goes without saying.
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