RPG Cow season in Cambodia.

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Pretty SURE a fella can BUY a RPG and ammo for less than 4 Ben Franklins over there. I don't care about the cow, owned many myself and sent them to the supermarkets, but you are a MORON if you choose to mindlessly kill anything. BTW- I am entitled to my OPINION, I just see it as fact:neener:
Sure, it's a waste... so's buying a couple thousand dollars worth of batteries for a couple horsepower.

I wouldn't feel any worse about shooting a cow with an RPG than I would shooting a rat with a .22. What's the difference?
Having been in Cambodia and having rented guns there, I can tell you that last I checked, it was $100 to fire a RPG, $25 to throw a grenade (usually into a pond) and a buck a round (to shoot either a full auto AK, M-16 or etc.

These ranges are run by the Cambodian Military and most likely the money is being funneled to the Generals.

Either way, it's kinda wierd to shoot an full auto M-60 that is marked "Property of the US Army". Makes you wonder about the original owner and how it made it to Cambodia.

The black market is cheaper to buy stuff. Last I checked it was $4-5 bucks to buy a grenade and $20 bucks for a pistol.

some things just need shooting

But killing something just to watch it die in a particularly bloody and violent way? That's freakin' disgusting.

that skell who just got busted for kidnapping that little boy, I would pay to watch him die by RPG same with Richard Allen Davis, the guy who raped and killed Polly Klass, or Karla Homolka and her side kick....I would love to see them get what they truly deserve and would pay to be the one giving it to them.

I would pay 1000 dollars to shoot a thing like R A Davis with a bazooka
I'm not making fun of the Buddhist religion when I say this, but just the contrary:

I thought Cambodia was mostly a Buddhist country! Shooting cows with RPG's just to watch them blow up sounds like some seriously bad karma to me!
Speaking as a Buddhist, you're absolutely right. Killing another living being is very bad karma.

OTOH, I suppose it's better than a Hindu doing it;) .
But killing something just to watch it die in a particularly bloody and violent way? That's freakin' disgusting.

I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels this way. This reminds me of the days where people would shoot out of moving trains and kill buffalo just to watch something die. They just left the carcass there to rot. Absolutely no compassion or respect for non-human mammals.
I searched the Washington Times and the web via Google for this, but couldn't find a link.

Does anybody have a link to verify this?
Thats real nice. That some folks feel the need to destroy an animal for entertainment.

You mean like those gents I always see wearing blaze orange and toting rifles around the woods within .50 cal muzzle loader distance of my house?

Perspective, grasshopper.
Perspective, indeed.

Hunting for food makes sense. Hunting for trophies makes a sort of anachronistic sense. Hunting because it's a potentially useful skill makes sense. Hunting just because you enjoy killing things is pretty sick. Blowing up tethered animals just to watch them go "boom" is a bit lower than whale dung.
Real point

You're all missing the real point of this article. THe point is that it would take them for freaking ever to clean all of those guns. They've got to have some sort of secret, UN-banned cleaning equipment that is incredibly quick (and therefore makes us able to clean guns as quickly as we shoot them. That's why it's banned; we can shoot more guns, and that's a bad thing according to some) and converts quickly to a small ballistic nuke (that's aimed at us, and likely on a rent to own plan from the UN). That's the only way any of this makes sense. :D
It is just sick. No logical purpose is served, and it is just encouraging increased sadistic behavior. I mean once they experience blowing up a cow with an RPG to get thier rocks off what do they need now? A buss full of children?
People are naturaly violent and fascinated by violent activities, otherwise the Colosseum in Rome where they killed the majority of the regions predators in contests along with human combatants and slaves would not have been such a success.
However catering to such bloodlust causes progression of some individuals to desire to experience bigger and 'better' gruesome things. Creating or encouraging sociopaths is never a good idea. Thier next 'fun' event may involve one of your family members as they progress up the ladder of gruesome events.
Encourage peaceful things, but enjoy defensive tools, as there is sadistic people that enjoy blowing up cows, chickens, humans, or anything else that you might have to defend against, but don't participate or encourage it.
You mean like those gents I always see wearing blaze orange and toting rifles around the woods within .50 cal muzzle loader distance of my house?

Perspective, grasshopper.

Shooting something just to watch it die, and shooting something for food, varmint control, etc are not the same at all IMO. I agree with Zoogster in that the people who would pay to shoot a cow with an RPG, or toss grenades at chickens are just plain sick sociopaths in the making. My dad took a deer this year for the first in a long time. He doesnt like venison but if a non-hunter wants the meat he will get them a deer. I do not deer hunt because I dont care for venison and would not kill what I would not eat (self defense, varmint control excluded ). There is a big differance indeed.
Where is PETA when you need them??? They got all the money

PETA doesn't actually help animals:


PETA is not an animal welfare organization.
PETA spends less than one percent of its multi-million dollar budget actually helping animals. The group euthanized (killed) more than 1,900 animals in 2003 alone -- that's over 85 percent of the animals it received. In fact, from July 1998 through the end of 2003, PETA killed over 10,000 dogs, cats, and other "companion animals" at its Norfolk, Virginia headquarters. That's more than five animals every day. On its 2002 federal income-tax return, PETA claimed a $9,370 expense for a giant walk-in freezer, the kind most people use as a meat locker or for ice-cream storage. But animal-rights activists don't eat meat or dairy foods. So far, the group hasn't confirmed the obvious -- that it's using the appliance to store the bodies of its victims.

As for the incendiary rockets to kill and BBQ all at once, this should do nicely:


Once again, does anybody have a link to confirm this?
Else it must be considered a hoax.
I think everyone in society should be required to kill something that they eat at least just once to gain perspective. Obliterating a cow is just senseless and wasteful, I'd pay to shoot a RPG at an old car or refridgerator in a heartbeat though.
You can go to a "gov authorized" range and shoot lots of cool guns and blow stuff up with grenades etc. Current pricing is $40 for the RPG and $60 for the cow. Thats info from someone who is in the country and in contact with me via the internet as we speak. So no it's not a hoax. Video to follow :D
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