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Ruger 22/45 to regular frame swap & Feed ramp problem

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Dec 19, 2006
Since the serial number is on the barrel/ reciever what is involved in putting a steel frame on a 22/45? I understand Ruger won't sell them, but if I could find one will the regular steel frame fit on a barrel/reciever that was sold with the plastic 22/45 frame?

Also, my 22/45 won't feed hollow point ammo. The feed ramp is sharp and too short, the rounds literally get stabbed by the sharp edge of the feed ramp. To fix it all I need is about 1/16" of extra length on the feed ramp, or a corresponding change in magazine postition. For now I've put epoxy paste on the feed ramp, but that seems a hokey fix. I could braze a little extra metal onto the feed ramp. Any other options? I suppose I could send it back to Ruger too.
On almost all pistols and handguns, the receiver is defined as the part with the grip, not the barrel. I may be misinformed on this regarding Ruger 22/45's but I don't think so. This is why you can't just get a different frame. In the eyes of the law, you are getting a different gun.
In the case of the Ruger MKII/III the serialized portion is not the grip but the tubular thing that the grip, bolt, and barrel plug into. You can replace the grip frame if you can find one. It is not a restricted part and can be transferred without a dealer.
The frame is not sold by Ruger, but they will fit it for you. Seems like the mag release was an issue, on the swap.:)
Learn something new every day. Good luck with the swap. Has google brought up any sources or maybe gunbroker has some gripframes?
No, not yet. I can always keep an eye on ebay. Numrich doesn't stock mark III parts yet that I can find.
I cannot understand the conversion. Apple to orange and a waste of money, I will bet the conversion will cost twice the price the cost of both arms with no significant benefit.
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