Running out of space

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Dec 25, 2002
Maricopa, AZ
Anyone use some sort of holder/stackable handgun stand thing inside their safe or "security cabinet" to make the best use of space? I want more, but one block is that I am out of space until we most likely move.


also,for the revolvers-muzzle forward,backward,forward,backwards
kinda keeps the cylinders from touching.

BTW this is just the top shelf of the safe.

just my $.02

You can make your own (drill & dowel rods & plywood). BTW, what Henry Bowman can't handle, I can. ;)
Look at one of the Velcro-attachment panels that hangs off the inside panel of your safe door. I've got 10 holsters Velcro'ed to this at the moment, holding lighter pistols (i.e. Glocks, etc.), and will probably be able to fit up to 15 on it if I try (and if the inner panel of the door can hold the weight!). I got mine from Clark Guns & Personal Safety in Bossier City, LA.
A low cost solution that's worked well for me is to buy "Pot Lid Racks" at a the local Target or Walmart. These are stiff wire racks with a soft plastic coating - simlar to the dish drying racks, etc. These aren't the most common type of rack, but if you find a store with a good selection of these kinds of wire racks, they usually have lid racks. They hold 8 handguns quite nicely - and have a couple of options for positioning the guns. I think I paid $2 or $3 per rack.

How bout one of those shoe holders that you could hang on the inside door of your safe...

I dont really know how big your safe is, but you could cut off the excess.:confused:

My guns are mostly 1911's with an assortment of other autos, what I use are VHS tape boxes from Wally World about 4 bucks for a five pack. I lay the gun on the outside of the box draw a line at the grip angle and bottom of the slide, then off to the scroll saw and razor knife, 2 cuts. I end up with three of the four original locking tabs of the VHS box. Then fog the inside with spray RemOil. All guns stand at vertical, you can pull them in and out without scratching, the only parts that contact each other are the grips. You can use the tops of the boxes for other storage. It definately compacts safe room, on ONE shelf I have 32 guns and it's not even a full shelf...don't care to admit how many I have on the full shelves.:D works for me but YMMV
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