Russian view of us; this will stir you up but think about it.

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Russian view of us; this will stur you up but think about it.

No, I am not a commie. If fact, freedom is one of my highest values; I am subject to the constant brainwashing here in the US so I do try to find out what the rest of the world thinks. I know that this government is spending the lives of pawns to get us more of the oil that is running out, but I do not think they are motivated by anything other than profits for themselves. And, no, I do not think the Democrats are any thing but more of the same.

Like my brother-in-law explained it to me 30 years ago, "When you are dealing with the government, you might as well drop your pants, bend over, and get it over with so you can try to survive". I never agreed, but as far as Democrats and Republican are concerned this is the deal, and if you consider yourself either of these then you are the enemy, or just plain stupid, and that is why we continue to have this slave society. Not the greedy crap that migrates to Washington DC, but the ignorant crap that keeps sending one or the other of them there and that may include many of you.

Bush regime on the ropes
05/07/2004 16:27

Time for regime change

The Bush regime is on the ropes as Pentagon chief Donald Rumsfeld faces an inquiry into the widespread use of torture by the US Armed Forces and into why he tried to cover it up. This regime is dishonest. These men are liars.

Donald Rumsfeld faces two armed services committees on Capitol Hill today over the widespread use of torture by members of the United States Armed Forces. Although President Bush has backed him for what he calls his service to his country (in anyone else"s language it would be acts of mass murder), he has also criticized Rumsfeld for not telling him earlier about the cases of torture (in other words, a cover-up).

Rumsfeld"s predicament today is a fitting end to this evil regime which is responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent civilians in two illegal wars, which responded to an act of terrorism in kind, which lied to its nation and to the world about Iraq"s nuclear and chemical weapons threat and which purposefully targeted civilian infra-structures, breaking the Geneva Convention.

The regime is rocked. The story about Weapons of Mass Destruction ("we know where they are") has been exposed for what it is: a tissue of lies from beginning to end, making George W. Bush, the President of the United States of America, a barefaced liar in the eyes of the rest of the world.

The actions of the US Armed Forces, who preferred to drop cluster bombs in civilian areas rather than fight like soldiers, wounding or killing thousands of innocent people, including at least one thousand children, have been exposed for what they are: acts of sheer cowardice, making George W. Bush, the President of the United States of America, as Commander-in-Chief of these forces, responsible for breaking the Geneva Convention, just like the SS in World War Two.

The regime is in disarray. First George W. Bush makes a speech in which he purposefully refuses to apologize and gets his aides to do it for him. One day later, after>
Latest News

* Bush regime on the ropes
* Charles Fargo: Who are supposed to be the good guys and the bad guys?
* George "I am not sorry" Bush
* Iraq war goes to court
* World's worst humanitarian crisis

the howls of criticism, he decides to make an apology. Basically, he will say anything or do anything to please anyone at this moment in time because it is not his future that depends on these elections, but the lives of the clique of the corporate elite which surrounds the White House, embodied in the sinister figure of Richard Cheney, who prefers to be called Dick, and who calls the shots, as everybody knows.

These are the people making policy, these are the people milking the hard-earned money of the decent citizens of the USA, these are the people who have already cost their taxpayers nearly two hundred thousand million USD in an illegal war.and this is just the tip of the iceberg. There is much more to come.

The people of the United States of America, like everyone else in all other countries, do not want to be ruled by a clique of liars, war criminals and mass murderers, which is precisely what Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld are, and also Powell and Rice by association.

The people of the United Sates of America respect the basic values, reflected in the major religions. George W. Bush and his regime have not respected the fundamental principals of any religion.

They are liars, they are cheats, they are mass murderers, they have broken the Geneva Convention, they have broken the United Nations Charter, they are war criminals. No religion allows such behaviour to go unpunished.

In this case, the USA, being the civilized country that it is, offers its citizens a simple option: to punish those responsible and to move forward, back in line with the world public opinion (wholly and unanimously against the USA at present) by the simple act of exercising their democratic right to a free vote. Hopefully, this time round, without electoral tampering or the sinister engineering which accompanied the process four years ago.

The world wants to welcome the American people back with open arms, but never with this evil regime as its leaders. They were deceived once but to vote again for Bush would be tantamount to condoning the evil acts he and his regime have perpetrated. After all, in the words of the President, "This man stiffed the world."
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey

"A bit over the top" probably isn't adequate :p.

Yet there's just enough small elements of truth here, plus deeper concerns over the Patriot Act, the "morals war" (Tommy Chong, porn investigations, etc) :barf: that I do wish the Dems had picked somebody other than a complete nutcase :mad:...
You know, I've always thought that this administration, much like the ones that preceded it, was a bunch of well-meaning-but-ham-handed types with a pretty fuzzy grasp of the Constitution. It's not until you read propaganda sites like Pravda and that you realize just how cunning and insidious these clow... er, masterminds are! :uhoh:
I'll in no way excuse the abuses of which we've heard, but "widespread" is just dead wrong. Further, it's not torture in the classic sense of physical damage to the victim's body, as typified by the Gestapo, the KGB, the SAVAK, the Kempeitai or Saddam's own forces.

I've seen reports that investigations, courts-martials and punishments have been ongoing since last year; while it hasn't been noised about, it's certainly not covered up. This present brouhaha stems from an investigation which began some four months ago; investigations by our own military.

Sure, the Bush interests are involved with a few oil companies. Trouble is, there are a gazillion oil companies out there, and most of their efforts are spent in shafting each other. And if you want to see economic disaster, serious SHTF and a high mortality rate in this country, cut off the oil. However, we wouldn't go down alone, given the need for corporate money used to purchase that oil--it feeds a lot of people.

Do I believe the stuff spouted by the various spinmeisters in government? Nooooo...Do I get my shorts in a wad because lying to the public is in many ways business as usual in WashDC? Nooooo...

There is a lot more to self defense than messing with guns, knives and the martial arts. Personal economics, lifestyle and some understanding of politics and business are just as important.

"There is little Izvestia* in Pravda*; there is little Pravda in Izvestia." I'd hardly call Pravda an objective and unbiased source for any analysis of anything.


* I forget which, but one translates as "Truth" and the other as "News". This has been said to be a joke which was common in the USSR.
But, but, but Art! Don't you know that Rumsfeld was dialing up Spec. 4 Jablonski on his cellie and telling him where to place the electrodes? I know, because Pravda and told me so!
:) Folks sometimes ask me why I don't get all torqued up about various events that get others all exercised and shorts-wadded. Simple: It usually takes many months for all the facts to really be understandable. It doesn't even take weeks for seventeen conspiracy theories to circle the globe.

Then again, maybe I'm weird for not being heavy into instant gratification, in that I can wait until it all comes clear. I figure a summary of the presentations of evidence at the upcoming courtsmartial will probably give the best understanding.

My statement on the topic of this thread is as follows: The USA has stopped production of Nuclear weapons; whereas the Russian military has been improving on them, even though their country is going down the outhouse. The USA has, and I am not stating this with certainty just probability, stopped making bio and chemical weapons since the late 1960s or early 1970s; whereas a recent Russian defector from Biopreprat(around 1999 if I remember correctly) has stated that the Russian military continues working on Biological Weapons and has surplus stock, and seed stock(essentially cultures for starting production of bacteria or viruses) for making smallpox anthrax and the like. Whether this is true or not is not 100% probable, but it is also not 100% unlikely.
The actions of the US Armed Forces, who preferred to drop cluster bombs in civilian areas rather than fight like soldiers, wounding or killing thousands of innocent people, including at least one thousand children, have been exposed for what they are: acts of sheer cowardice, making George W. Bush, the President of the United States of America, as Commander-in-Chief of these forces, responsible for breaking the Geneva Convention, just like the SS in World War Two.

Yeah were listening to insults from a country whose forces were taking constant abuse for ten years in Afghanistan rather than ten weeks, and who can't put down little ol' Chechnya.
The actions of the US Armed Forces, who preferred to drop cluster bombs in civilian areas rather than fight like soldiers, wounding or killing thousands of innocent people, including at least one thousand children, have been exposed for what they are: acts of sheer cowardice, making George W. Bush, the President of the United States of America, as Commander-in-Chief of these forces, responsible for breaking the Geneva Convention, just like the SS in World War Two.

This is so over the top it's actually funny. :D Arrrgh me buckos! it be those beastly Americans off the port beam! o'er the ramparts with ye! and take noooo prisoners... Yarghhhh! :D

Seriously though, I'm suprised that there were even 1000 Iraqi children left for those beastly Americans to drop cluster bombs on after the millions that were starved to death under the sanctions and irradiated to death by the spent uranium rounds those beastly Americans were using to shoot into those kindergarden classes. I understand Oxfam had to use leaf blowers to move the dried dead bombed baby bodies off the streets where they had drifted up to 11 feet deep in places. Yep. I read it in Pravda, it must be true.

Pravda, Yep, that's always the first name that pops into my head when the call goes out for a truely objective news source.

US government and US citizens want oil so we take it by force

Just like robbing a bank.

What I think is the issue is not that Pravda is objective any more than CNN , CBS, ABC, NBC, etc., are objective. The point is that the bad boys who control this government decided to take by force the oil that is under the terrirory we call IRAQ. Secondly, our government decided to be in a position to take Saudi territory should they fail to deliver oil into our needy hands. And as as adjunct, I wanted to point out to you who live under the delusion that you are free, that you are in fact deluded. Think that the Demo's are more than the crap we call Repub's; think again.

The USA is not even close to a free country. The oil peak is near, and that is why we are sending the National Guard (jihad fodder) to protect the interest of us in consuming oil, and more improtantly to George Bush, the interest of his pals in the oil industry in making profits.

The reality is that we are running head long into the end of the oil era, and the poupluation of 6 billion cannot be supported without oil.
Care to volunteer for the 4 billion population reduction over the next 40 years? Yea, I know, too much information at once, or maybe just to blunt and nasty.
Put down the bong,dude!

I know that this government is spending the lives of pawns to get us more of the oil that is running out

That is the problem with you 20 nothing urban potheads,you spout off the most vile drivel,incredibly arrogant,egomaniac nonsense,and you think you're a member of the intelligentsia:rolleyes:

I've lost a good friend this year over in Iraq,and I have another close friend I have not heard from who was supposed to be home last month.

You call my friends pawns?

Vulgar know nothings like you would be dead in if not for the brave men and women willing to sacrifice their LIFE .

Without oil life as you know it would cease. You wouldn't have your little bike to pedal around on without oil,you sit in your comfortable chair,puffing your bong,unconscious of the burden you put on others to remain free.

I know that this government is spending the lives of pawns to get us more of the oil that is running out

You are not qualified to judge them!!! YOU KNOW NOTHING!!!!!!!!
:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

Where do these ideas come from? Have you actually LIVED in a third world country-and no, I'm not talking about a weekend in Cozumel.
I'm not free?

Well, I suppose. Depends on your definition of freedom. Some people think freedom means being able to do whatever you want.

Well, you can do whatever you want. You're not being mind-controlled by spacemen in a flying saucer (or are you?).

Of course, for every action, there is a reaction, and in many (if not most) cases, every action offers the possibility of a negative (from your perspective) consequence, be it you getting hurt, you losing money, or the police putting you in jail.

I defy you to show you a place where you can live "free" from consequences for your actions.

Now, the "police putting you in jail" consequence tends to get more attention because it's something we have control over; if you drive too fast, skid off the road, and are killed...well, that's the way it goes. Laws of physics. If you drive too fast, are arrested, and are put to death...that'd get people up in arms, even though in both cases you have the same consequence for driving too fast: death. It's just that one is committed by natural forces and the other by other people.

But this philosophical babbling probably isn't what the poster was talking about. But then, it's an election year.

As for the's Pravda, for crying out loud. They've been making up bad things about the US since 1945...
I always appreciate getting a different perspective on issues even if that perspective turns out to be Pravda(!!!!).

War for oil doesn't make much sense. We could have bought all their oil for what we have and will spend for this occupation. Sorry but thats what this has turned into. All the oil producing countries HAVE to sell their oil to somebody so the threats to withhold oil to force political concessions are so much bs in the long run. Short term disruptions? Certainly. Not worth going to war over. The war will cause as much disruption as the embargo.

As for the world running out of oil, there is a fair amount of evidence that the earth is making more crude as part of natural processes and all the oil isn't just liquid T Rex. This info doesn't set well with the enviro/socialists. Most of them seem to be happy about the prospect of the collapse of civilization. There is also ample evidence of the human population stabilizing if the standard of living reaches a level that guarantees survivability of children. See the US and Europe. In both these places the native population is stable or falling with the increase coming from 3rd world countries.

When presented with this info the enviro/socialists want to lock the 3rd world into their current tech level and destroy the economies of the developed world. This is backward if they really want to solve any of the world's problems. :confused:

The US is also setting on huge amounts of coal and oil shale. The technology exists to use both safely. The only thing lacking is political will. After the enviro/socialists spend a few cold winters trying to stay warm burning their copies of Das Capital I think they might change their minds.:neener:
… it's certainly not covered up.
Actually the investigation was classified. That is a cover up.

Some Pentagon officials contend Bush was informed in January. Marine Gen. Peter Pace, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said Wednesday on CBS's "Early Show" that beginning in mid-January, everyone "up the chain of command . . . was kept apprised orally of the ongoing investigation."
Also yesterday, the government's chief classifier decided to open an investigation into the appropriateness of classifying the Army's probe of prison abuses. J. William Leonard, director of the Information Security Oversight Office, agreed to a request in a letter from Steven Aftergood of the Federation of American Scientists.

In the letter, Aftergood cited the executive order on classification, No. 12958, as prohibiting the classification of documents solely to "conceal violations of law." Government documents are supposed to be classified if revealing their contents would harm national security. Senior Pentagon officials have been unable to explain why the report, known as an Article 15-6, was classified. In response to a reporter's question on May 4, Pace said, "I do not know specifically why it was labeled secret."

At the same news conference, Rumsfeld also was at a loss to explain why the report would be considered secret. "You'd have to ask the classifier," he said.

gunsmith, he's not judging the soldiers. He's judging the folks who tell the soldiers what to do. Here is a quote from one of the folks who tell them what to do:
“Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy,†Kissinger told Washington Post reporters Woodward and Bernstein (The Final Days, Simon & Schuster, 1976).
The reality is that we are running head long into the end of the oil era, and the poupluation of 6 billion cannot be supported without oil.
Care to volunteer for the 4 billion population reduction over the next 40 years? Yea, I know, too much information at once, or maybe just to blunt and nasty.

The real problem is that probably 4 billion of the worlds people are now living with out oil, mostly cause they do not need it, and we are running around in our big Gas Hogs SUVs complaining that we do not have enough.

OBTW gunsmith why did you ASSyoume that I_am_I was a pothead.....?
Keep that in the DU or someplace else, "Stay on the Highroad..."
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