Rust Remover?

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Jan 1, 2003
South Carolina
I picked up a used blued Browning at the gunshowthis weekend and it has some minor surface rust. Is there a product that will remove the rust but leave the finish?
the only rust remover I know of is BullFrog and Birchwood Casey, and they revoe theblueing as well.

Don't waist your time trying WD-40. All it does is provide a lubricant for the steel wool to slide over. Go with 0000 Steel Wool and Liquid Wrench. It has the ability to break down rust and seperate it from the metal. Try an experiment, spray a spot with WD-40 and another spot with Liquid Wrench. Let them sit for 30 min. and come back with a white paper towel or rag and wipe off the areas. The Liquid Wrench area will be orange on your rag. My Winchester Model 12 was COVERED with rust, but I didn't know it until I did the Liquid Wrench and steel wool trick.
I have heard that using a plain graphite pencil works...I haven't tried it myself, anyone else hear of this method?

Gotta agree with scottsGT. My uncle used to put in long term storage guns soaked with liquid wrench in plastic sealed bags. I just happen to use wd40 but I bet that would work better.
Like Hank B, I don't allow my firearms too rust; but I have used some
of the Blue Wonder Armadillo gun cleaner to clean up several firearms. It
leaves them sparkling clean; but you do need to coat them with either
Break Free C-L-P, or Eezox.

CAUTION: Keep Blue Wonder gun cleaner away from nickel plated
guns, cuz it does contain amonia; a substance known to be harmful
to nickel plated firearms.
Another method that will work is using 0000 steel wool DRY and buffing/dusting off the rust carefully. Don't allow the loose rust to stay in the wool, it is an abrasive.

If you use oil with the steel wool, the oil and the loose rust will form an abrasive slurry that is hard on the finish.
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