Saf: New Fbi Crime Report Debunks Predictions About End Of Semi-auto Ban

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Harry Tuttle

Nov 14, 2003

BELLEVUE, WA – Recently released data from the FBI clearly shows that the dire predictions by anti-gunners last fall over the end of the so-called "assault weapons ban" have proven to be groundless, the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) noted today.

The FBI reported that for the first time since 1999, homicides declined last year 5.4 percent in cities with more than 1 million people, and overall, murders fell 3.6 percent nationwide.

"Anti-gun hysterics have once again been proven wrong in their fear mongering," said SAF Founder Alan Gottlieb. "Their forecasts of blood running in the streets were baseless, and they knew it. However, when you're in a war to crush a Constitutional right, one class of firearms at a time, truth is typically the first casualty."

The ten-year-old Clinton Administration ban on certain semiautomatic firearms expired last September, amid alarmist warnings that violent crime would escalate, including violence against children.

"Here we are as a nation, nine months after the sunset of that onerous law," said SAF President Joe Tartaro, "and all the doom and gloom has been exposed as pure claptrap. Not only are murder rates down, so are the overall rates for violent crime.

"Where is the news media on this," he wondered. "If homicides had gone up, you can be certain that would be making front page headlines, with reporters linking the rise to the end of the ban. But that's not the case, and the mainstream press, with the exception of an April 28 New York Times article, has been pretty quiet about it.

"This is more proof," Tartaro said, "that the rhetoric from anti-gunners is bogus. The press should now question all the other outrageous claims and predictions from the gun control crowd. For example, the Palm Beach Post reported that violent crime in Florida is down while the number of concealed pistol licenses has climbed. Anti-gunners predicted gunfights at traffic stops and cocktail lounges, and that scenario never happened, either.

"The gun control movement is, and always has been, built on a foundation of hysteria and lies," Gottlieb stated. "From their lawsuits against gun makers to their assaults on the firearm civil rights of law-abiding American citizens, these gun grabbers have been deliberately deceitful and consistently wrong."
The AWB didn't have any effect on violent crime rates. Shocking!

The media has been rather quiet over the direct contradictions between anti predictions and the actual results. Even more shocking! :neener:
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The FBI reported that for the first time since 1999, homicides declined last year 5.4 percent in cities with more than 1 million people, and overall, murders fell 3.6 percent nationwide.

Oh, but don't you have any common sense? They are falling becuse the AWB was finally coming through. Now that it is gone, the murder rate will go back up.

(Sarcasm, if you couldn't tell)
Okay, I feel as much as the next HighRoader that the AWB was useless and did nothing for crime. However I don't think pointing at the last few months of 2004 where it had expired is really indicative of anything at all.
Antis will point out that several of the cities over 1 million have laws against carrying guns.
The problem is that all the assault weapons are "in the streets". In the streets they aren't causing any murderous rampages, they need to get into the hands of the government to really cause murder! :D


Now if we can get a siimilar article widely published on the subject of the CA ban on .50BMG and the general demonizing of it nationwide.

I do see a similar trend of these two pieces of legislation/ideas though...they always go after the smallest slice of the statistical pie...I suspect they do this because the support and outcry for banning something like a .50BMG or an assault rifle couldn't compare to the hurricane felt if Remington 700's and Leupolds were taken away from hunters.

I found the tactics similar when Janet Jackson showed her nipple on TV and the FCC went after radio hosts instead of television. As stupid as their intentions might be, their actual procedures and steps in excecuting their ideas can be cold and calculating.

Lets not let those pesky facts keep getting in the way of gun-control advocates.
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