Safe Queens

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Here it means a gun that has a very high value for some reason (rarity, engraving, commemerative, etc) it's kept in the safe and not fired. If you take a commemerative firearm and shoot it the value drops to maybe a little bit more than a comparable firearm that is not a commemerative. Original gas trap M1 rifles are pretty rare. If you had an old Colt SA that was made in the 1880s it would be worth say $2500 (enough to be a safe queen in my opinion). If you one you can prove was carried by Wyatt Earp in the same condition the price would be several hundred thousand dollars. Etc, etc, etc
Adapted from the term, Hanger Queen - an aircraft that doesn't fly and is cannabalized for parts.
In the world of car shows, a "Trailer Queen" is a car that is trailered to shows, and not driven.
I was thinking the same comparison!
Never heard the term hanger queen before. Learn something everyday!
People generally see those firearms (or cars, or what-have-you) as investments and are afraid to hurt the value or risk damaging it by actually using it. I don't see the appeal in that, but then again I was never the type of kid who could leave my new GI Joe action figure in it's package for more than 2 seconds :D
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