Sanctuary show on Sci-Fi channel

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Feb 3, 2008
Kilgore, TX
I dig the weaponry on this show, but of course the gun play is majorly lacking in realism.

One scene where Ashley was trying to hit Druitt with some sort of semi-auto, the camera was on the gun, BANG BANG...the slide never moved :uhoh:, but there was a flashy spark in the background! :banghead:

Anyone else see this show?
I watched the web episodes several months ago. They were pretty good. I heard that Sci-Fi had picked it up and made a series out of it. I haven't seen the TV version yet since I've been working so much. I'll have to tune in some time and see what the new version looks like.
I watched one episode last night and I like the idea behind it, the acting was actually decent for a sci-fi show, of course the low budget special effects are hokey, but it wasn't bad in a B- movie sort of way.
I've watched a few episodes - I don't think they have any real sets at all, it looks totally CGI. But I'll put up with a lot for Amanda.
I haven't seen any episodes yet. I was hoping for a little more quality from the usual SciFi offerings.
I saw that also. However, a show with mermaids is not a place for realism :D

Colonel Carter should have had her P90!
i have this rule, where if it's a SciFi original, i take opiates to tolerate watching it.

I kind of liked The Dresden Files and Special Unit 2.
With a British accent though? Kind of unnerving. And the brunette hair.
Brunette is her natural color. Watch a few Stargates - black roots in almost every one.

As for the British accent. Maybe that's her natural accent and when on Stargate she spoke Uhmericun... Who knows? Is she British?
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