Sandy hook parents to sue Bushmaster

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I understand your conflictions, DeepSouth. But please, do not ruminate. On the whole, you did your best and told the truth. We all have to live with this tragedy.

But none of us ,including Bushmaster and all its accessories, caused it to happen.
Is this correct (I don't know for certain)?? It sticks in my mind that the door through which Adam Lanza entered the school was intentionally left unlocked/open so that the teachers could make easy entry into the building.
I seem to recall the front glass was shot out, presumably so the 'push bar' or handle on the door could be accessed. That said, I never recall my schools of some ten-odd years ago having locked front doors --not very welcoming, that. ;) The various side doors were locked, and the layout was such there were a few large open spaces between the entrance and actual classrooms, though, with offices/grown ups strategically placed between them (which would be great if there were gun owners among them :rolleyes:)

Somehow, I don't think higher fences, bigger locks, thicker doors, or sharper barb wire are the solution, any more than an extra security guard or two would be ;). Bad enough that kids (and many adults) have to shuffle through life wearing ID tags from birth, any more, without their environment being a literal prison, as well. Remaining liberty won't last long at all in those conditions.

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