Sarah Brady on cnn @ 3:30

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I don't know about drinking games, but I think it would be cool to put their catchwords into a random rant letter to the editor generator, along with such phrases as "the voices", "Zionist conspiracy", "mind control network", "right wing sabatours" and the like. Too bad you couldn't add a random list of known lefty wing nuts for the signature block. :rolleyes:
Reading that transcript, did anyone else get the feeling that the anchor was leading Brady along, almost being helpful with their interjections, and yet seeming to argue points with LaPierre? And the magazines? How many times do you have to bring up the magazines?
And the magazines? How many times do you have to bring up the magazines?
That's because he never answered the original question,
WOODRUFF: Then what are these large-capacity guns used for?
I believe he didn't answer it because in the 10 seconds he's given to answer a question, there is no way he could deliver a complete and intelligent answer that would not be walked all over, misinterpreted, or unfairly edited. So he acknowledged they would be legal, but never gave them an answer regarding why he supports them being legal - and they don't have anything to twist when he's off camera after the next commercial. He's in a real tough position to be in, since he's going to be the most quoted pro-gun person on the planet, most likely.

Think about it, how would you answer the question "why do you need high (re: full) capacity magazines?" -- in such a way that you would not sound like a paranoid armchair commando to the mainstream mindless "I seen it on TV so it must be true" masses.
There are hundreds of thousands of magazines out there that were grandfathered. All it is a piece of sheet metal. Anybody who knows guns knows that you can change a 10-round magazine in that fast. So I know it's an issue that kind of confuses people, but I don't think it means anything in the real world.

He did answer the question, just not to the reporter's satisfaction. He told her that there were already a massive quantity of full-cap magazines already in circulation, and limiting mags to ten rounds doesn't reduce a gun's lethality much since you can change mags so quickly anyway.

I agree that he was in a difficult position, the reporter kept asking him the typical anti "Well why do you need this?" over and over while treating Brady with kid gloves. I don't think there was anything he could have told her short of "You're right, we really don't need these" that would have backed her off.
Judy Woodruff would go crazy if you called her "Numbnuts." It was her nickname in journalism school and she didn't like it then, either.
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