Sarah Palin revives Annie Oakley Movement

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You know, I totally spaced on your username earlier. :rolleyes: I'll be in touch. I've got a research project going on right now that I need to wrap up, but I'd really love to help with this.

I'm "R" btw.
The 2nd amendment is important to the US, however there are other issues as well. Personally I would want someone in the Whitehouse that is MUCH Smarter than me!
Maybe this is why Americans have gotten themselves into their current situation, ignoring some of the issues in favor of others.

A show of hands of everyone who would trust a pro 2nd amdmt, everyday joe, hockey mom to run the US.

Consider yourself most welcome here - "A" too!

You were both a pleasure to work with as you both brought the most important item with you - a teachable attitude. You were both focused and displayed much grit - my red hat is off to you both.

I will be serving at the Myakka (Hernando) event November 1st and 2nd, and I will make it my personal mission to get you both a Rifleman patch! It won't be tough, as you were already well on your way!

As to dry firing - yes, yes, yes! That will make my task all the easier and will greatly improve your enjoyment of the event owing to making the shooting positions more comfortable and faster to acquire.

Don't even tease me about becoming an instructor - you'd be great at it - so would "A"!

I can personally guarantee that you would find many a kindred spirit within Appleseeds. I have met some truly fine human beings in my travels with this program and my service to it stands as my proudest accomplishment to date.

One thing that Appleseeds could use more of is women in every capacity - especially on the firing line. Only a fool would think that women don't belong at Liberty's side. As I said during the Sunday history portion that I like to call "Dangerous old men and a brave little girl" - it weren't just men that created this great nation - it took women of grit and substance every step of the way. America literally would not, could not have been created if not for the sacrifices of both men and women alike.

So come on in - as Fred would say "the water's fine". Any RWVA instructor would be proud to stand on the line beside you.

Well thanks for all the kind words, PHenry. I'm definitely not a tease, but I'll probably only be in Florida until next summer. Wherever I wind up I'll do whatever I can to help out. This is a really great project and it's great to see people who believe in this country with such enthusiasm and dedication. Thanks to all you guys for doing this.
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