Savage 111 firing pin light strikes.

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Mar 10, 2004
The,sort of, Free state
I have experienced the occasional light strike mis-fire with the Savage 223. I thought it might be my reloads but the most recent was this morning while dispatching a coon out back with factory Hornady ammo.
Re-cocking the bolt works but I was wondering if this is a "thing" or do I just need to do a better job of cleaning..?
I sprayed the bolt and it seems to have needed that from the carbony looking solvent that washed out.
I'll give it another "spritz" when I get back from town and then a good lube.
Thanks :thumbup:
Both protrusion and tension can be adjusted on a round backed savage, can't remember on the old flat backs.
I adjust my guns tension down from stock, as it does help reduce the really stiff bolt lift. It doesn't take much to get light strikes tho.
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