"Say no louder"

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Dec 12, 2003
Where is Oleg's "Say no louder" image?

I found some posts on the BBC message board by someone who agrees with that line of thinking, and thought they might like a link.


Message 1 - posted by Pippop, 4 Days Ago
On Monday The Independent was asking for money to provide the women of Darfur with cooking pots in order to reduce the level of gang rape they suffer from the marauding militia surrounding the camps that the women occupy. The cooking pots burn wood more economically and mean that less journeys have to be made to collect wood for cooking and so the level of rape will then be reduced.

Has this newspaper gone completely off its head? Is it really, in the 21st century, calling for such passivity in women who are being sexually terrorised? Are these white middle class male journalists any more advanced than the janjaweed in their prescription of how women should be, i.e. passive in the face of extreme violence?

Come off it lads, the most sensible and proactive and protective thing to do would be to arm these women and give them some military training. Surely the best way to cope with marauding bands of men who systematically rape is to shoot them.

Doesn't that guy know that a cooking pot is much more useful than a gun? Why, the women can use it for cooking and for bashing in heads. A gun is only good for shooting innocent people, don't you know? :rolleyes:
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