SBS or SBS Barrels, Where To Buy?

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Oct 28, 2005
I know I'm blowing up the NFA forum, but I've been bitten by the bug.

My new venture is a SBS. I want a 14ish" barreled Remington 870.. I don't think I want any shorter than that. I want the standard capacity (5 rounds?). I don't see a super short or Serbu really being practical or anything beyond cool factor.

I currently have a Remmy 870 with the 18.5" barrel. I want to leave it as is. But I'm thinking of getting another 870 either an aow, or buying one and getting a short barrel. The Wilson is nice but, pricey. Looking for a more *ahem* economical one. I would prefer a 870 but, its not a deal breaker.

Who sells the whole unit or just the barrel?

Which way would you go?

I do thank yalls responses here and in my other threads.
I would prefer a "factory" barrel vs a hacksaw job. Even if it is a good hack job. I may go that route but I want to explore other options first.
You have a couple of options, 1. Form 1 a 870 pay the 200.00 (your going to anyways) either cut yours down or get one from midway or brownells etc. that way you have both barrels. I would use a lathe, or power band saw (there is one that will hold your barrel and the saw slowly cuts the barrel I don't work in a machine shop don't know the exact name)

Option 2. Find a 07/SOT and have them make a SBS for you, a little more expensive but could still be a cheaper route.

Option 3. Buy a factory SBS from Remington, this will be the cleanest looking gun, because it will just have Remington's name no other engraving, but once again your going to pay for that "convenience"

I think a nib 870 SBS will run about 700.00
Used ones range from 300-700

I have been looking at the 1100 SBS, there are some pretty sweet auto's out there :D
I was thinking about doing the same thing you are wanting to do.

In my case, I would buy an extra barrel and have one of the reputable shotgun gunsmiths around cut the barrel to 14", thread the barrel for some type of screw in choke, and install a new bead or ghost ring sights. I wouldn't shoot slugs through it, so I'd probably just leave a medium choke in it for buckshot. Something tighter than cylinder bore, anyway. It won't be cheap that way, if that's what you are looking for, but it will certainly be done right, IMO. Some things are worth spending the money on.
I would prefer a "factory" barrel vs ... a good hack job.
There's no difference between the two. A factory job will include cutting the barrel to the specified length and finished. A well done retro job will also include cutting to the specified length and finished.
There are many, many, many SOTs willing to cut and recrown a shotgun barrel for cheap. Putting the barrel on a lathe, cutting to length, and then beveling the inside and outside takes all of five minutes. :)
ptk said:
There are many, many, many SOTs willing to cut and recrown a shotgun barrel for cheap. Putting the barrel on a lathe, cutting to length, and then beveling the inside and outside takes all of five minutes. :)

But bluing takes another 30 seconds! ;)
rjrivero said:
But bluing takes another 30 seconds! ;)

Oxpho-blue to the rescue. ;)

At worst, another 20 minutes even bead blasting and hot bluing the entire barrel for an even finish. :D
I run a 12" barrel on my 870 AOW. Noisy, but intimidating. Bought the AOW because the transfer tax was $5 vs. $200 and that more than covered the price difference between the two. I didn't need the convenience of a SBS since the stock was superfluous and selling it would be easier withe lower tax, if it ever came to that.

Royal Arms makes a good breacher and will cut a standard barrel and install the breacher or just cut the barrel for you. As was noted, a lot of 'smiths will be happy to shorten the barrel...just keep in mind that most will want to see a copy of your Form 4. It appears that 12" is about the limit as the barrel is just flush with the front of the magazine tube. Mark Serbu goes shorter...down to about 8"...but has to rebuild/reweld the magazine tube to fit.

Wilson Combat/Scattergun Technologies builds a couple of models with 14" barrels, but they also offer a magazine extension to go along with the length.
I like that hall sweeper from Cold Hand Arms. It has a great classic look. No frills, all business.
If I purchase an AOW shotgun with a pistol grip, am I allowed to put a stock on it?
If I purchase an AOW shotgun with a pistol grip, am I allowed to put a stock on it?

No if its a AOW and you apply a butt stock it becomes a SBS, the gun would go from a 5 dollar tax stamp to a 200 dollar tax stamp. People try to get the Serbu super shorties to save 195 dollars on the tax stamp, but typically you end up paying more for the AOW shotgun.
ImmortalArms is correct. Additionally, it will transfer (the next time) as a SBS, so it can retain the stock or have it removed...and go back and forth. No restrictions. Problem is, not all states allow SBS while some do allow the AOW. Also, you don't have to tell ATF when you travel with the AOW.

But once you 'make' it into a SBS, it isn't going back to AOW configuration. Oddly enough, if you mount it under the barrel of an AR using a rail system, you are not "adding a stock", so you are not breaking the law. Just shows how weird some of the 'rules' are about NFA.

The fact that AOWs transfer $195 more cheaply than SBSs often make them attractive to folks who get "bitten". But the PGO aspects of the AOW can make it uncomfortable to shoot. And most people aren't probably going to get more than one, so amortizing the $200 cost of the stamp over time can get it down into the minor nuisance range. And if you want to remove the stock, you can do so, but you can always put it back on.

Personal preferences come into play as with most things.
I forgot about mounting to an AR.......I WANT A CHURCH KEY!!!!

I get tax refund in 7 days. I was gonna get a sparrow....but now....

Now who's got a source for a remmy 870 rail mount AOW?
I don't want one $2000 bad....thinking the $400+$200 hall sweeper is the way to go.
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