School Shooting in Pennsylvania; Student Shoots Principal, Kills Self

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Blain, put your tinfoil hat back on... you've been out in the sun without it. I'm afraid that conspiracy theories, CIA mind-control plots and...
Affirmation: I expand my awareness of the inner knowing that already exists within me.
... have nothing whatsoever to do with firearms, legal issues, political matters, or The High Road. All such posts WILL be laminated, shredded, folded, spindled and mutilated in future. Let's keep on topic, folks, or this thread will die a quick and painless death.
Justin, it is a documented fact (through the public information act) that the CIA did and I'm sur still does have mind-control programs. MK-Ultra being the one many people know about. Operation Paperclip is another authorized in 1946 by then President Harry Truman.

Here's a link to the documents...

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