SCOTUS will decide whether to grant cert on gun case on Friday

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Oct 21, 2005

How solid of a case is this? This would be huge if they grant cert on this case. This is Drake v. Jerejian.

Gun rights may return to Supreme Court's agenda

Richard Wolf, USA TODAY 3:49 p.m. EDT April 13, 2014

WASHINGTON — The push and pull over the Second Amendment right to bear arms is heating up again, thanks in part to a former Supreme Court justice's new book.

Friday, the high court will consider whether to hear a challenge to a New Jersey law restricting the right to carry guns in public. If the court grants the petition, it would be the most important gun control case since the justices upheld the right to keep handguns at home for self-defense in 2008.

New Jersey law enforcement groups defend the state's requirement that citizens prove a "justifiable need" to carry handguns outside the home, whether openly or concealed from view. In their brief, they claim the law "qualifies as a presumptively lawful, longstanding regulation that does not burden conduct within the scope of the Second Amendment's guarantee."

Stephens glosses over that the framers put the 2nd into the Constitution to protect us from the likes of him, Holder and 0bama.
The important part about Stephens revising of the 2nd Amendment means that to achieve what he wants he would have to change the 2nd amendment.
Legal stuff is always complicated, but my lay-person opinion is that this would be a pretty big deal.

A finding in our favor would clarify that 'keep and bear' actually includes a right to have a gun outside the home. This would mean that state would need an actual good reason to disallow an average citizen from carrying.
I've argued for a long time that if we push the 2nd too hard, we're going to cause a constitution convention and get a new amendment that waters down the 2nd...
I don't think that self-defense outside of the home will cause a constitution convention... However, I think the definition of arms will cause one... Because the 2nd basically says private citizens can own any and all weapons...
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