Seattle P-I Refutes Mayor Nichols on Guns...

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Dain Bramage

Jan 2, 2003
Arlington, WA
...Devil plans ice-skating party.

While this may seem like a mild gun stance to us, it's sort of like Stalin saying that capitalism is a good idea.

Gun Control: Blaming the state


Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels and police Chief Gil Kerlikowske appear to be trying to shift the responsibility for a spate of killings in the city to the Legislature. "When it comes to preventing gun violence," the mayor said Tuesday, "Seattle's hands are tied."

As we warned in the wake of the massacre on Capitol Hill, the attempt to answer the question "why?" might lead to simplistic solutions.

The mayor asks the state to pass laws that prevent firearms from getting into the hands of criminals. But state and federal laws already prohibit the possession, purchase or sale of firearms for felons, people with a history of mental illness or facing allegations of domestic violence. All commercial sales of firearms require a background check for such disqualifiers.

What else could the state do? An outright assault weapons ban is unfair and unenforceable. Manufacturers supply trigger locks with their firearms and the locks are widely available at no cost.

Better tracing and sharing of information among law enforcement on guns used in crimes makes sense. And it's not unreasonable to require that all firearms purchases at gun shows be subject to background checks.

Seattle residents are justified in fearing violence and wanting to be safer from it in their homes and on the streets.

But we'll have more success reducing violence by eliminating its motives, not some of the weapons it employs.
An outright assault weapons ban is unfair and unenforceable.
But we'll have more success reducing violence by eliminating its motives, not some of the weapons it employs.
Wow. I need a jaw dropping to the floor smilie. From the P-I? Wow.

Better tracing and sharing of information among law enforcement on guns used in crimes makes sense.
Makes sense for what? To what end? What is the practical benefit and what is the specific problem being addressed?
And it's not unreasonable to require that all firearms purchases at gun shows be subject to background checks.
Nor is it reasonable. What "problem," exactly, will this solve?

Oh, right. It will make the urbanites feel better. Well, if it make just one soccer mom feel better, it will be worth it. :rolleyes: After all, it's for the feelings.
Flying swine spotted circling the Space Needle.

I sort of wonder if the P-I is actually being sincere, or if they don't really mean it but are trying to help save the state Democrat party (and their pet governor) from some of the less popular instincts of the Seattle delegation.

I'm speechless. The PI tends to be a tiny bit more conservative than the Times but like the fellow said its like Stalin stumping for capitalism. Pardon me, I need to get the shottie and pick off some of that flying pork.
I sort of wonder if the P-I is actually being sincere, or if they don't really mean it but are trying to help save the state Democrat party (and their pet governor) from some of the less popular instincts of the Seattle delegation.

I was wondering the same thing. I've heard that Gov. Gregoire tamped down anti-gun sentiment in the last legislative session for the same reason. Her approval ratings are still in the toilet, so we'll see if the trend continues this year.
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