Second Amendment Email Campaign

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Jul 30, 2006
We are putting together an Email Campaign to email our US Senators and State Representatives in support of the Second Amendment. It will only take a couple minutes. We will provide you with a letter to send if you do not feel like writing your own. You can take ours and personalize it to your standards. Imagine thousands or tens of thousands or even a million emails being emailed to all the US Senators and State Representatives all on the same day. If that does not make a statement then I do not know what will.

This would be a peaceful email in support of the Second Amendment and the right to carry. I am not talking about overwhelming email servers or anything like that. We want our Senators and State Representatives to get these emails.

You can find out more about it here
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I will once we have one but the plan is to have many. We want user participation. Options are always good. :)
Here is one letter. There is and will be others over time. I have posted instructions and other sample letters at the link from the first post in this thread. Spread the word guys and thanks.

Dear [Senator/Representative]

I am writing you this letter in support of the second amendment. I am not sure if you are familiar with the bills working their way through the house but a couple of them seem to be written in a way that would give the average hard working legal citizen like myself a hard time owning a firearm. I am a free man. I have a right to keep and bear arms as stated in the second amendment of the bill of rights.

The bill of rights are part of the constitution, the very same constitution that you took an oath to protect. I am a gun owner. I belong to a gun club and spend a lot of time with friends and family on the range. As the media likes to report how bad guns are what they fail to report is how many people have protected their family and property with the use of a firearm and if they did not have their firearm they could of been hurt, killed or worse.

To quote Charlton Heston
"When ordinary hands can poses such an extraordinary instrument, that symbolizes the full measure of human dignity and liberty"

Our gun rights are our ultimate freedom. Their presence is the basis of our existence. They are so important to our freedom that the forefathers made them the second right of the bill of rights. They knew something that everybody else has seem to of forgot. That sooner or later someone will try to take our rights away from us and when that day came the second amendment would be there to allow us to stop them.

I am a citizen, a registered voter and a gun owner. I would ask you to please support the second amendment along with all the other amendments as you swore to protect the constitution.

Thank you for your time
(Sign Your Name Here)
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