Second Call

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Dec 21, 2011
I just signed up to join an Organization called Second Call. Does anyone have any experience with them, and has anyone had to use their services, and if so were you well represented. I am in the Dayton Springfield Ohio area.
I am also wondering about the caliber of Attorneys they use, and if I should go looking for my own now, or just leave it to them.
Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks, Jimmy
Like any business they wouldn't be able to exist if they didn't take in more money than they spent. You're statistically very unlikely to ever need their services. If being involved in a defensive shooting and the legal and financial consequences weigh heavy on your mind then sign up; the peace of mind will be worth the price, but you'll probably never use it.
Thank for the advise, and I already did sign up. As for statistics go, I am not likely to be in a car wreck, but I still wear a seatbelt, so statistics don't interest me, where my life is concerned. Thanks again, Jimmy
I just signed up to join an Organization called Second Call. Does anyone have any experience with them, and has anyone had to use their services, and if so were you well represented. I am in the Dayton Springfield Ohio area.
I am also wondering about the caliber of Attorneys they use, and if I should go looking for my own now, or just leave it to them.
Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks, Jimmy

Aren't these normally questions you ask BEFORE you pay someone for a service? How did they get you to subscribe to their service without knowing anything about them?

This is what I find, shall we say, interesting:

Not a single testimonial from a person that actually used their services, other than one person who said they called them for advice. How can I say that XYZ insurance company is good if I have never had to file a claim with them?

I would suggest you find an attorney on your own.
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I checked around & IMO(and that's me, not you or your family) the website: seems legit/well run to me. :D
They have a comparison chart & offer discounts to sworn/retired LE and US military service members(active, reserve, retired-disabled).

I agree it's a lot like auto insurance or home owners insurance. You may not need it but I wouldn't want to have a lethal force event then be strung out.

In the early 1990s, I got a yearly auto club membership with a off-brand firm. I wound up using the tow service/car battery repairs about 4 times. :)
The fees were covered about 3/4 times over. looks impressive & the fees aren't crazy high. They state they also cover non firearm related use of force events too(OC spray, EDWs/taser, etc).

PS; just to be clear, I'm not a employee, owner, partner, or customer of .
If I design a great website, will you send me $75 per year? Again, I must ask, is there ANY info from people who have actually USED these services to defend themselves with in court?

I couldn't find any testimonials at all on the ccwsafe website, even from people who say, "I feel so secure knowing I have that membership card in my pocket!" At least on the second call website there were testimonials from people who felt so relieved to have their cards in their pockets....
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It is a special purpose insurance program. You might check with your insurance agent to see how much is covered under your home-owners policy, though, before signing up for another insurance. Also, talk to a local attorney about a retainer to be on-call if needed. A good local attorney is best, since he/she knows the ins and outs (and getting you out) better than any out of state lawyer.

Valid points....

Those are valid points.
I'm just saying that on the surface, the program seems to offer a lot for the paid members. Id bet they could provide stats or court cases the staff or legal team(s) have worked on.
The company bios list details about my state & area so they'd be aware of the statues & court procedures.
I don't think it would be like the 1990s comedy; My Cousin Vinny. :rolleyes:

FWIW; the current state's atty in my area(an elected official who worked as a prosecutor for nearly 30 years) couldn't get his son off on DWI charges prior to his election.
Not all lawyers win all the time or have the power to get you out of serious trouble.
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