Seller of gun used in massacre speaks at Va. Tech

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He's not criminal because he sold something to a person who used it in a crime. He's an online retailer, so the blame SHOULD be on the FFL that he shipped it to. BUT, since neither of the kids had any criminal record, the blame is ONLY on them. Neither of them deserve to live. So that makes it a goodness that they are dead.
"I still think a lot of it was slanted and very rights-oriented, and did not fully address the idea of what having guns on campus is going to mean for safety in classrooms and the environment in general of Virginia Tech," she said.
What is wrong with this statement? :)
They make it sound like the gun was bought online and shipped directly to the buyer.

I especially loved this line:

"Still, I find it terribly offensive to learn that the gun-seller of the weapons used in the Virginia Tech campus murders would set foot on this campus.

When students are killed in car crashes, does the school attempt to ban the dealer who sold the car? How many VT students are killed in alcohol related incidents? Are bartenders, liquor, and liquor store owners derided?
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