Selling Hi-Cap Handgun Magazines to LEO in CA - Rules?

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Would you sell a gun to a guy who was going to rob a bank with it?

If not, why would you sell weapons or parts to a government agent, to use against citizens who aren't allowed those same weapons or parts?

I wouldn't knowingly sell a gun or accessories to somebody who I know has evil intent with them.

But all I'm doing is something that appears on all levels to be completely legal. Should I not go through with the sale to spite the guy because he happens to be a LEO that lives in CA? So he get's extra 'privileges' because he is a LEO - I don't see that as being a problem.
So he get's extra 'privileges' because he is a LEO - I don't see that as being a problem.
Wait until the "common sense" is exported to your state because it is allowed to thrive in CA with the support of people such as yourself.

Ruling class, warrior class, peasant class. We are reverting back to old ways. Ways with far fewer freedoms, where not all men are equal.
You can sell a hicap mag to CA LEO directly providing you find he has valid LE ID (i.e, get a copy of LE card faxed to you) etc.

There's really no great 'harm' to the cause by selling one schlub CA LEO a hicap mag - since he can trot down to any CA police supply store (or CA FFL gunshop holdign a hicap mag permit) and get one. It's lost in the noise.

And given the fact the cop was buying one on the boards, he's probably a progun cop.

zoogster said:
The entire CA roster of certified handguns would not exist if it didn't exempt LEO.

Actually, SASS + CAFR and old CRPA lobbyist played into the antis hands.

If everyone had united w/CA NRA team the coupla wobbling fencesitters would've voted against it.

Bill Wiese
San Jose CA
I can understand the reasoning of those of you who are opposed to selling to CA LEOs, but, having considered your arguments, I really don't buy into them.

I admit that I'm going to go back to my own experiences, living in a jurisdiction where concealed carry just isn't an option for most. Would you refuse to sell a pistol to me since I live in a state where most can't legally carry, as I do? Would it make any difference to you that I actively advocate for concealed carry by sharing my views with our legislators? Or, would you elect not to sell to any current or retired LEO here because we enjoy rights that are denied most? As an aside, I'd note that I see and hear a steady drumbeat of support for concealed carry here, and a great deal of it comes from cops and ex-cops who are "privileged" by virtue of their right to carry under the federal LEOSA.

The logic of punishing those who are in a similar privileged situation in California eludes me. I seriously doubt that the reluctance of one--or even hundreds--of non-Californians to sell hi-capacity magazines to cops would make any difference to the legislators, who view those cops as nothing more than low-level civil servants. It seems to me that our collective energies could be much better used in ways that would actually have an impact. How about a boycott of California-grown produce? Or a movement to urge other gun owners to spend their tourist dollars outside California?

I guess if it makes you feel more ideologically consistent, I don't have any problem with an individual deciding not to sell to a patrol officer in California. But, there is no way on God's Green Earth that this will have the slightest effect on California's lawmakers.
MisterMike, Well said,,,,I work in California as a LEO. Here you still have to show ID to buy a high cap mag, the dealer has to show it "logged out" in their books. Some times you can get mags (you know that more than three are needed) cheaper on line and out of state. I dont understand why several whine just because I want at least five to six mags for my gun. I support gun ownership, but not in the same view as my state laws requires. I obide and enforce laws as written. If you dont want to sell me a mag because I live in California thats fine, just dont whine about things you and I cant control. I have bought mags from out of state, I send a copy of my ID and a business card so the seller can keep them on file. A business letter head can not be sent out with out by an by the officer/deputy w/o the Capt's authorization. Again you dont need a reason not to sell to a California resident, but you are doing the same thing the Government is doing, think about it.
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