SF Police Outgunned?

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Does anyone think that part of the problem is that because no one other than the Police are armed in San Francisco. The honest gun carrying public has always historically assisted police when and where they could. When the good men and women of society cannot arm themselves the Police have lost another resource. The public is a force multiplier for law enforcement that never gets considered. Bill
They police aren't killed because they are outgunned. They are killed because the bad guy got the upper hand and shot them first. It makes no different the type of weapon used. Poor training and bad judgement is not solved by passing gun laws and being armed out the WAZOO! All the guns and ammo in the world won't stop a cop from being shot.

There was a video here (I think) where a guy was stopped and reached in his car for a M-14 or something similar and the whole time all the cop was doing was telling him to put the weapon down. Once the guy started firing it was too late for the cop to react effectively and was killed. He was properly armed to handle the situation had he reacted in time.
There was a video here (I think) where a guy was stopped and reached in his car for a M-14 or something similar and the whole time all the cop was doing was telling him to put the weapon down. Once the guy started firing it was too late for the cop to react effectively and was killed. He was properly armed to handle the situation had he reacted in time

That is because they are trained to do that, common sense will tell you to blow the guy away while he is going for the weapon. Very good book "On Killing" and why folks do it and don't do it. Lt. Col. Dave Grossman wrote it, must read for all. Chapter 7 talks about the burden of Killing. Much information in that book and why folks should read it before running off on the keyboards.

They are there to "protect and serve", to most that is not a killing situation as a rule. To be killed or kill others is not an everyday thing to "protect and serve" is. This location is a good example of what happens when Officers kill others. Sad really.

I don’t know that it makes much difference what they are armed with. If they shoot as poorly as most cops I have seen, they need some magic to make up for their poor marksmanship.
The results indicate the idea is worth replicating, despite the criticism it may attract, Kerr said.

“I prefer the approach of the Vancouver Police Department, which was: ’We don’t like the idea of this, but let’s look at the evidence and at the end of three years we will tell you either this is something we can support or it’s something we can’t support,”’ he said.

Harley Quinn maybe you should watch the video! Perhaps if that cop had followed procedure and laid his @ss out when he pulled the rifle from the vehicle and threatened the officer, he would be alive today.

Who knows why he didn't shoot? Perhaps he was young and inexperienced, perhaps he was scared, perhaps he was on medication and not thinking clearly. It makes no different as to why because it is clear he made the wrong decision.

Reading a book makes me no more qualified to lecture someone on the psychology of pulling the trigger than pulling the trigger qualifies me to write a book about psychological processes involved. If you wish to delve into the psyche then you should start your own thread.
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