Shooting Glasses


Jan 14, 2020
Where to post this....I dunno.
Long story short, I had my eyes done a few years back and have been using drug store readers for special applications.
One set of + 1.0 here and one set of + 1.5 there etc. On the range it's one power for rifle and one for pistol,
A set at the computer, a set by the chair where I sit to use the cell phone. Another set on the work bench.
They all go in a bag together for a range trip. I try different power ratings on different firearms and keep note of what works.

The rub is, the dang things do not hold up well to use. The plastic breaks constantly. I super glue them back together over and over as they break in a new place.
I'm keeping track of the suppliers hoping to find the best-in-class winner.
Anybody here out ahead of the pack with suggestions?
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I have gone to wrap around safety glasses and have had no trouble with them breaking. I keep three different shades of them. Dark for our usual extremely bright sunshine, some rated inside/outside glasses found on Amazon for light overcast days, and clear for really gloomy days. I keep a dedicated range bag with hearing and eye protection in it.

Superglue isn't a very good glue for plastic IMO as I have had poor results with it over the years.
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I quit screwing around with that stuff like that and talked with my optometrist. Now I don't read books with glasses anymore. I read them without my bi-focal. So with my new set of glasses, (I am near sighted,) I had my optometrist set the bottom of my glasses to keep my revolver sites sharp and the upper portion long distance normal. It works for both hand gun and rifle. The eye guy gave me 30 days to decide if I liked it or not or I could switch back. They work fine.
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You can get some safety glasses called "full lenses" readers. They are good for seeing the gun sights for target work but might not be the best in hunting applications.

I use these style glasses for shooting but also for working on my shop projects. They are also available in various colors, yellow and green, for sun control.

I had cataract surgery a number of years ago and I see distance fine but have to have corrective lenses for close in work.

If you cannot find them on an internet search, send me a PM and I'll send you the manufacturer of the glasses I buy. The last ones I bought were in the $10 range or so.
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