Shooting on public land question

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Feb 25, 2016
Please forgive me for my ignorance in advance.

I'm trying to figure out some rules for shooting on public land. I've been pouring over the rules trying to figure it out. So far my it seems like it should be ok as long as its during a specific hunting season where the specific firearm is allowed to be used for.

Specifically, I live near a state-owned Wildlife Management Area. I can't find any rules about shooting specifically, but there are all kinds of rules about hunting. For example, currently it's bobcat season, and it seems it's ok to hunt bobcat with 223/5.56, so as long as I have a hunting license, I would be ok shooting an AR15 on the WMA, even though I wouldn't actually be hunting.

Is this stupid reasoning? Anyone have any ideas about this situation?
There are people in charge of the particular area you're talking about. Why can't you ask them? If I was trying to legally hunt on a Wildlife Management Area and somebody was wandering around plinking, I'd be finding out if that state had laws against interfering with lawful hunting and whether this activity qualified as such a violation.
It depends on the agency that manages the particular piece of public land you are talking about. If it is a state wildlife management agency, then you can most likely find the rules on your state's wildlife management agency's website. Often times there are different rules and limitations for different management areas even within the same state. It might help if you indicated what specific area and its location you are looking at, and somebody can properly direct you to the proper agency for information.

Having said that, it would be extremely rare to find a wildlife management area anywhere that permits target shooting outside of designated areas, and if any agent of enforcement heard you fire a couple dozen rounds he would reasonable suspect you are not bobcat hunting.
All state DNR`s have specific rules about hunting on WMA`s. Plus what type of weapons as well. Could it be you just don`t understand them ?

Call any your DNR. Most have a toll free number.

It`s really not hard to get clarification on things you don`t understand............. Get the facts. Not opinions.
In most states the only place you can target practice on public land is the designated shooting range. I haven't ever seen one on National Forest but they are very common on state owned gamelands. If you are hunting then that is a different story but it sounds to me like you are just wanting to shoot.
Thanks for the feedback! I really appreciate everyone taking the time to give ideas/info. I guess calling the managing agency would be the best idea. Doh! The last thing I would want to do is to create a nuisance that hurts others rights.

I guess the conclusion is this: when shooting during a hunting season, you need to actually be hunting. And shooting without the intent to harvest an in season animal would be unacceptable. Recreational shooting is only allowed where specifically stated to be so. That's probably not totally correct, but is the safest route.

I'm just really trying to figure out if, say firing 3 rounds without intent to hunt, would actually be against the law or simply frowned upon by the wma authorities. I'm NOT attempting to justify going out there regularly and plinking, I have ranges (a little further away) for that.
Casual shooting on wildlife management lands is generally not allowed. Plus, during hunting season, any sort of "just wandering around" could be seen as discourteous to other hunters.

BLM and USFS lands are more open to plinking-type shooting.
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