"Short" arm allen wrench suppliers?

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Apr 2, 2003
Got a TA01 ACOG which requires a 1/8" allen wrench with the short arm chopped off to 1/2 or less normal length in order to get it to fit within the carrying handle on an AR15.
Played hell finding the one that came with the scope the other day, and would like to get a handful of the suckers to scatter around (range box, rifle bags, etc) since they're so darn easy to lose.

One came with the ACOG, and I have an e-mail into Trijicon 'bout getting 'bout 8 of the little suckers, but don't know if they'll come through or not.
Hit the big hardware stores in town today and no luck.

Yeah, I know you can make 'em yourself-before I retired I used to regularly cut big ones for specialty work, but I'd rather not resort to doing that since working on smaller ones can be a PITA (if you have to file rough ends down after cutting) and they should be cheap enough to justify buying 'em?

BTW, I don't know if there is a correct term for such a wrench? Searching for short arm wrenches online looks like the short side is still going to be too long to fit within the carrying handle.
I simply cut the smaller ones with a sharp pair of side cutters. They normally cut pretty clean and do not require any further work.
I might have to give that a try if the easy route doesn't work!
The only ones I used to cut were big suckers (with a table grinder) and they usually required a little filing/sanding after cutting. I've never really tried cutting something as small as a 1/8".
What I have done to make a clean cut on them is score it all the way around with a small file (the edge of one will work) and put little end into a vise and just snap it off.

It will usually break off pretty clean.
This is one time the word Dremel Tool won't make 1911tuner cringe. :)
Got a reply from Trijicon today-they're still checking prices on those wrenches, but they did e-mail me a PDF owner manual, and they tell me they have a thumbscrew to replace the allen head mounting bolt for the TA01 (TA53).
I'll probably pick one up next time I order some stuff from Optics Planet.
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